Máiréad was quite blown away by what she was hearing. So very much to takes in it was, but so wonderful at the same time. "Wow... that explains why Kessie's so amazing. Are all the birds here like her?"

"Yep, and all the animals, not just the birds. There's nothing but unconditional love in this haven."

"Wait, so if none of the animals kill and eat each other, what do they eat?"

"Vegetables and fruits and foods that grow here, and like the flowers, they regenerate as soon as they're picked."

"Wow, so you get unlimited food here?" Máiréad laughed.

Aaliyah chortled. "Yep, and the food here is so delicious. You don't even have to wash it. You can eat it as soon as you pick it. It's actually even better for you than regular fruits and vegetables."

"I would imagine so."

Aaliyah smiled. "Do you wanna try something?"

"Sure. What is there?"

"You name it."

"Um..." Máiréad thought for a moment. "Grapes?"

"Okay. Follow me."

We followed Aaliyah to a rather large cluster of grapevines. The grapes were of many different colors, shapes, and sizes.

"Whoa!" Máiréad marveled at the beautiful, colorful fruits. "Those look so good. Um, do they have seeds in them?"

"Nope. Seeds are not needed here, so you don't have to worry about choking on them. Go on. Pick one."

Máiréad did so.

"Now, watch what happens."

We both watched as a new grape immediately regenerated in its place.

"Holy smokes!" Máiréad exclaimed.

"Oh, my!" I added.

"That is so cool!"

"It sure is," Aaliyah agreed. "Go on and try the grape."

Máiréad popped the fruit in her mouth, and her face lit up the moment she began chewing on it. "Oh, my gosh! This is the yummiest grape I've ever had!"

"Oh, Sméagol try one!" I eagerly picked one from the vine, popped it in my mouth, and watched as a new one grew in its spot. The sweet, heavenly flavor burst out of the fruit as I began to chew it, and I felt as if I were eating enchanted candy. "Oh, my! So very tasty this is, Precious!"

"Well, take as many as you want," Aaliyah said.

So, Máiréad and I picked a few more, and as we were enjoying them, Máiréad jumped. Something had brushed up against her arm and given her a bit of a fright.

"Oh, it's okay, Honey," said Aaliyah, gently patting Máiréad's shoulder. "It's a butterfly. She won't hurt you."

Máiréad turned to look at the butterfly that brushed against her, and was completely taken aback when she saw a rather large, colorful butterfly floating near her. "Oh, my gosh!"

"Isn't she beautiful? She's a rainbow butterfly."

"Oh, my," I sighed, marveling at the beautiful creature. "Such an enchanting being she is!"

She slowly glided toward Máiréad. Máiréad reached out to pet her, but quickly stopped herself before her hand touched her.

"Oh, no, go ahead," said Aaliyah.

"I don't wanna hurt her," she stammered.

"Don't worry. You won't. She wants you to touch her."

So, Máiréad carefully placed her fingers on the butterfly's wing. The butterfly smiled at her, and climbed onto her index finger.

"Wow. She's so pretty and cool."

The butterfly flew up to Máiréad's face, planted a kiss on her nose, and giggled sweetly with a loving sigh. Her voice was very squeaky and high yet soft and warm.

Máiréad's jaw dropped open. "Did she just...?"

Aaliyah nodded. "She wants you to know she loves you."

"But... she... doesn't know me. How does...?"

"She can feel your aura, and she can see into your heart and soul. She knows everything about you, and she loves you."

Máiréad looked at the butterfly again, and burst into tears when she saw the kind expression on her face and the love pouring from her eyes. The butterfly flew back to her, and wrapped her wings over her face, trying to hug her. She used her wings to wipe Máiréad's tears as she planted more kisses all over her face, cooing and humming sweetly.

"She knows you're in pain," said Aaliyah. "She knows everything you've been through, everything you're feeling, and she wants you to know that everything will be okay. Everything will get better. You are loved, more than you know, so much more. She wants you to know that she's your friend, and she always will be. She'll be there for you when you need her. She won't abandon you, and she'll always love you. She knows you need comfort and light in your life, and she wants to give it to you."

The butterfly flew around Máiréad's head, planting kisses all over her as Aaliyah spoke.

"She's your spirit animal now."

Máiréad's weeping escalated into heavy, uncontrollable sobbing as she looked at the butterfly. All her pain was released through an ocean of sobs. The butterfly cooed sweetly as she comforted the poor thing.

"It's okay," the butterfly said in her sweet, high-pitched, squeaky voice. "I'm here, Sweet One. I won't leave you. I'm your friend!" She giggled. "I'll always be your friend. Everything will be okay. I know you don't believe it, but you are loved more than you know. Awww, it's okay, Beautiful Princess. Things will get better soon. I promise."

"Oh, my God!" Máiréad wailed as she turned her gaze to me. "She's just like you!"

"Awwwwwwwwww!" I cried, wrapping my arms around her. My heart grew so much that I thought it might explode.

The butterfly nuzzled up against the two of us, kissing both of our faces, giggling and cooing lovingly.

"Awwwww," Aaliyah swooned, "this is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!"

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