"Mark, dear, don't intimidate the poor boy," the Luna comes back into the room with a tray of cups and a pot of tea.

After pouring and serving the Alphas, she picks up the tray with two cups still on it. "Come along, dear. Let's go have an Omega talk, while the boys talk Alpha things." She gestures to Harry to follow with a kind smile to calm him. Harry looks at Edward curiously, who nods his head, before looking at Marcel.

"If you want to, go ahead. We'll be right here." Marcel smiles kindly at his brother, pecking his temple.

Harry blushes from the public affection as he stands and follows the Luna. They exit the sitting room and cross over into a smaller room that has a door. Once through the doorway, Harry pauses.

"Do you want the door closed?"

"Whatever you prefer, dear." The Luna sets the tray on the coffee table in the middle of the room, pouring tea into the remaining cups. "Milk or sugar?"

"Sugar, please, and a splash of milk." Harry is still standing awkwardly, pigeon-toed, waiting for the invitation to sit after closing the door.

"Sit down, dear, wherever you like, although the armchair to your right is quite comfy if I do say so myself." The Luna says, handing his cup of tea to him.

Harry sits down and nearly sinks into the comfy chair, letting out a surprised squeak, before recovering and situating himself comfortably. "Thank you, Luna."

"Oh, none of those formalities, please. Call me Jay, honey." She says, chuckling at his slight fumbling. Harry grins sheepishly and takes a sip in the silence that follows. Looking around the room, he begins to observe the style and placement of the items within, marking the room and a breakfast room, from the old days. Now, its charm has been converted into this smaller, private sitting room.

"I wanted to be able to talk to you without the Alphas around," Jay calls his attention again after letting him explore the room for a minute. When Harry turns to her with apprehension, eyes wide, she chuckles. "Not to do anything horrible. Just so we weren't interrupted by them or have them cause any fear for you. You've not long been an Omega. May I ask how long?"

Harry settles at her reassurance, her scent relaxing and her eyes truthful, even if they had a hint of mischievousness in them, he found himself relaxing and answering her. "A little over three months ago, the last week of January."

"So you've had, what, four heats now?"

Harry freezes. If he answers truthfully, she'll wonder who his mates are, if he doesn't, he'd have to fudge his way through her sympathizing with the cruelty of heats spent alone.

"Relax, dear. I know you three are mates. It was more a question to prompt if you knew or had mated yet." Jay comforts him, reaching across to place her hand on his knee. "Why are you so fearful? It's not uncommon for multiples to mate together."

"Yeah, but they're usually all the same secondary gender. One being the submissive is often looked down upon."

"So you know. Have you mated? You smell it, but I don't see the marks."

"We keep them covered. So no one treats us differently."

"Who would treat you differently? Why would they? You're multiples who are mates. So what if you happen to be the Omega?"

"It's just the way things were done in London. We don't know any different. I was scared of anyone's reactions here. We just got kicked out a week ago, that's why we asked to meet with the Lucero. Our parents didn't like that I'm an Omega, or mated to my brothers." Harry starts tearing up by the end, sniffing, looking down to allow his hair to fall in his face to hide.

Jay moves to sit on the armrest of his chair, putting her arm around his shoulder and bringing him to lean into her. "It's alright, dear. That way of thinking is messed up. We don't choose our secondary gender, any more than we choose our first gender or mates." She runs her figures through his hair, making him begin to purr. Harry noses up her chest to her neck, looking for her scent gland, taking comfort in her soothing pheromones. "Oh! You poor dear! Have you had no Omega connection? I'm glad you moved here when you did. You need it like you need your Alphas. Omegas help each other in a community, it's how we're strong."

"I've never heard that before. I couldn't have relationships with Omegas because I was supposed to be an Alpha, so I had to keep my distance." Harry's voice is muffled where he's buried himself in her neck. Jay manages to get him up, without disrupting the process, and they get comfortable on the couch nearby. Harry takes in lungfuls of her scent while she continues to play with his hair. Harry's behaviour, while often considered unsuitable for public eyes, showcases a lack of same-gender community, as Jay said, but also a lack of family community. The Omega of a family was supposed to provide comfort and stability for their young, specifically their Omega offspring. Harry is displaying a lack of familial touch and motherly love.

After a few minutes, Jay speaks up again, speaking softly and slowly to not disturb him. "Harry, can I help you? I know it can sometimes be hard to find new friends at a new school, especially since this is your first time in a pack. I don't want you to suffer anymore. I can introduce you to my best friend, who works alongside me at the hospital, and we can hang out and be old friends so you can at least have some community apart from your Alphas."

"I would like that," Harry sighs into her neck, sounding half asleep. They lay there a little longer before there is a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." Jay looks over the back of the couch to the door, watching it open for her husband, behind whom are two slightly nervous and anxious Alphas. She softly chuckles, restating for them to come in. They enter hesitantly, unable to see mate.

"Afternoon, Luna. We were hoping to get our brother? We didn't know if you were done with your talk, but we would like to get home for dinner." Edward informs Jay, glancing around the room for Harry.

Jay smiles softly. "He's right here, he's nearly asleep." She beckons them around the couch to the chairs next to and across from the sofa. The boys come around but don't sit. On seeing their mate, their expression turns fond. "Do you have plans for dinner?" Jay asks, watching them look at their mate.

"No, ma'am, but Harry here likes to cook, and is sure to have something ready soon."

"How about he saves that for another day and you boys eat here. There's plenty to go around and my daughters can always add a little extra if they don't think so."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to intrude." Marcel glances nervously at Mark, who had come to stand behind the couch, looking down at his wife.

"You wouldn't be, son," Mark interjects, having caught Marcel's motion. "Think of it as us getting to know each other better."

"You can meet the rest of the family, as well," Jay adds, "Although, I doubt my son will join us. He's always off doing who knows what."

"Well, if you're sure, then we would be very thankful for the invitation." Edward bows his head a little in acceptance.

"Do you boys always speak this properly? Or are you still trying to impress us even after we said you could join? Loosen up, loves, we won't change our minds." Jay gestures for them to sit down. "I doubt I'll be moving anytime soon. You may as well sit, unless Mark wants to take you off somewhere himself."

"Sorry about Harry, he doesn't usually fall asleep on anyone," Marcel says as he and Edward sit in the chairs, Mark also sitting.

"It's alright, dear. He has a perfectly good reason to, and I'm happy to help. Which reminds me, before initiation, you boys need to be checked out by the nurses. I can have my best friend do it, just so you can be more comfortable. I can be there, too, if you want."

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