9. Liberation

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Yelena's POV
I woke up in a bright room. I glanced around the room, not so much identifying features to let myself know where I was. I felt around. I knew that I was strapped to a chair and it was deadbolted to the ground. I felt somrthing breathign right next to me. There was someone else that was a foe or an ally. The breathing right next to me grew louder and I knew that the person has woken.

"Where are we?" A familiar voice asked. I knew that it was my buddy or mentor, Natalya.

"I don't know, kid. Just wait. They will tell us what they want sooner or later. Hopefully someone would tell us what they wanted.

Just then, I heard the creak of a door. Someone came into the room, and turned the lights down.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Someone with an American accent said.

"We are..."

"None of your concern." I snapped.

"Oh, we doing this the hard way then?" Under the sunglasses, I couldn't make out who was talking. I just knew that it was a man in his forties.

"Fine by me." I said, in a challenging tone.

Our captor smiled coldly.

"Then tell them to bring in the Widow. It's time." He said, and exited. Who was this Widow person? I had to assume that it was a female.

"Look. Here she comes." The male said, and the door creaked, letting a silhouette into the room. It was definitely a woman. She was in high heels, but her back was against me. She was a woman in her thirties, I guessed from her bodice, and she had short, flaming red hair.

"Give me the room." I heard her say, and everyone cleared out. She was clearly the boss.

When everyone was gone, she turned to us.

"Who are you? Don't make me force it out of you." She said, looking very strict.

I looked up.

"Heyyyyyy sis!!! You're here!" I said, starting to get up from the chair, and I couldn't move more than two inches due to the fact that I was deadbolted to the ground, I realised.

"Lena, wait. Let me do it. Sorry for this mess. Phil got too cautious and the security guards nearly killed you. Sorry."

"Never mind," I said, looking at her with gratitude, "I missed you." I said, and Natalya looked at me with a confused look.

"Who is she? Is that the sister that you were telling me about?" She asked.

"You know, it's best that I should let you explain this, sis."

"Uh... it's a long story, and someone told me to help come and get you out of the place, and I got the job. I am one of the best retrieval specialists in the world, after all, and I got to you. And this mission..."

"Was a bust." She continued.

"It was a successful one."


"You heard me correctly. Yes. It was a success."


"The mission was to killl someone, right?"


"Call Phil in, please?" I said to my sis. Natalya looked at me, very confused. Still your typical 5-year-old.

"Phil!" She said to her comms and the door opened.

"You called, Nat?"


"Who was that person that we were supposed to kill?"

"Ah... that would be me." He said, taking off his sunglasses.

"Holy shit...." Was the only word that got through her lips.


Natalya's POV

Now what? I was just lured into a trap. And I knew that I was really not supposed to be on a mission.

And then my ex-captor turned out to be the one that I had to kill, Lena's sister was working with the one who captured all of us.

"Just chill. They believe that you have died in the mission."

"Really? You faked my death?"

"Yeah, and even burnt the body." Technically, I was dead. I just cannot believe it.

"Th... thanks."

"Welcome. And now you have exited the Room and I have to say that you can really have control over your own life."


"It's okay, there are other training programs that you can do without being that aggressive and brutal."

"Thanks... But one question. Where is this place?"

"Oh, this..." Lena's sister said, letting us out from the bright room, into something even huger and more magnificent.

"Welcome to SHIELD." She said, and her voice seemed to echo all around the room, and I knew that I was in the air, judging from the clouds at my feet. And there was a huge control centre and a dome shaped ceiling, and along with a lot of technicians typing away on computers.

"Woah, I don't recall being in the air before I passed out."

"We drugged you. Hence this."

"Oh, fair enough." To be honest, I never expected this. High ceilings, I never expected something to be that beautiful. It was simply stunning, as if... Da Vinci was still alive.

"Welcome to our humble headquarters."

✧★⭒° 𝑅𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒 ✧★⭒° (A Yelena x sister fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora