hunter x you (You win)

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Someone requested this to the comment section I have been gone for rather years since I have to keep my grades up 😔hard for a asian family + my phone fell to the water but now I have it again but it's still quite broken


ITS BEEN 7 MONTHS I think but I was about to upload this after I finished this I was happy but like they say "don't be happy,or else it'll be opposite just by the minute"  next thing I knew I dropped my phone in the bathroom 😭😭 but I'm back y'all


Disclaimer; in this story you have 2 Siblings your the oldest but the favorite ❤️

Your POV:


I groaned as I slap my alarm clock out of may night table

-"sweetheart (y/n)! It time to go school it's not weekend anymore!"
I heard my mom yell from downstairs

-"alright mom I'm coming!"
I yelled as I got myself ready and putted on my uniform

-tok tok-

I opened the door to see my 7 year old sister

-"mommy said hurry since we're gonna be late"
She reminded me in a cute voice

-"I know sis I'm ready I was about to go downstairs"
I told her going downstairs and running to the car with my sister

-"late again Ms (L/N)?"
Our driver said who is the same age as me

-"yeah rather that but beside the point let GO!"
I yelled as the car starts

At school~

-"HAHAHAHA you should've seen your face!"
Someone said beside the bushes

I myself decided to look who was it, there i see hazel and Hunter my boyfriend the jokerist but rather rich and kind to you.

-"what's going on here?"
I asked getting myself out of the bushes

-"sweets great timing!"
Hunter said smiling at me and

I asked Once stermly

-"Well this jerk! Pulled a prank on me on my date!"
You heard your youngest sister Arlene
-"Tell him to STOP!!"
Arlene complain once again
-"Alright alright I'll tell him but please go back to your class before you get punished by your teacher"
I told her as her eyes wide in realization and ran fast as she can back to the campus

-"Let me guess your gonna scold me?,again"
I glance at hunter than fully look at him
-"no...not really I don't have time for that but,when will you stop teasing her she's really getting annoyed every single time"
I told hunter while raising a brow at him
-"well I don't know when will you give me love attention?"
He said teasingly


-"alright hunts you know the drill of I win the passing score I won't give you love attention for 4 weeks"
I said teasingly knowing I'll win 2nd time

-"alright deal!"
Hunter said with confidence on his tone

<after the exam>

-"why don't you look at that I won 2 times in a week"
I said to hunter with a smirk

-"hehe,I was just joking about the deal"
He replied to me sweat dropping from forehead knowing darn well he hates being ignored by me

<flashback ends>

-"a deal is a deal and you accepted it so deal with it"
I said sly as a fox

-"alright your right my fault but pleasseee"
He said pleading hold my hands together with a pout

-"alright fine...come here"
I said with opened arms as he strandled me to the ground luckily with the strength I have left I get to sit up with him cuddle up to me

-"you know I still have class right?..."
I told him trying to pry him off me

-"I can pay us out of It"
Hunter replied to me tighting his grip on my waist
-" win"

642 words count
2 months planed
11:12pm finished



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