No food for a week

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Me, Connie, Luis, guy, dean and Fulton were all standing at our lockers talking waiting for the rest of the ducks to show up Charlie and Adam walked in together I was talking to Connie so I didn't realize Adam had walked in he walked up to us and i glanced over to him the second my eyes were on him I immediately got worried cause Adam was so pale

"Adam? You okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"You look kinda pale"

"I feel fine baby"

Something was telling me he was lying but I brushed it off a few minutes later the rest of the ducks arrived and we talked until the bell rang my first class was math the only class i didn't have with Adam I walked to math sat down in my seat once everyone was there and class started something was still telling me Adam wasn't okay and no matter how hard I tried to ignore the feeling it just kept getting stronger eventually class was over and I went to my locker to put away my math book and get my history book I waited for adam at my locker like I do every morning after math but this morning he was a little late I was starting to think he wasn't going to show up but he did he walked up to me and put a smile on his face

"Hey baby"

"Hey are you sure your okay your still really pale"

"Yeah I'm fine"

I put my arm up to his forehead to see if he was warm and he wasn't in fact he was ice cold like maybe to cold

"Well your not warm in fact your freezing you sure your okay?"

"Yeah I sure come we need to get to class before we're late"

He held out his hand and I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers we walked into class and sat down a few minutes into the lesson I noticed Adam was squinting his eyes and holding his head

"You okay baby?" I whispered to him

"Yeah I'm fine my head just hurts"

I grabbed his hand and payed attention to the teacher after a few classes it was finally lunch time I sat down with Linda, Julie and Connie and soon Charlie and Dwayne sat down with us I noticed adam wasn't with them like he usually was

"Guys where's adam?"

"He said he had work for school he had to get done"

"He's said that everyday for the past week"

I was starting to get worried but I'd see him at practice and ask if he was okay.


I was putting everything in my locker so I could go to the locker room for practice when I heard yelling coming for the locker room I started running towards the locker room when I got there I saw all the ducks freaking out and coach and Charlie were laying over  someone on the floor I got a better look at the person on the floor and it was Adam

"Oh my god"

"Y/n" Charlie said

"What happened to him?!?!?" I said kneeling down

"He just passed out and he won't wake up"

My whole body started hurting and tears filled my eyes Connie and Julie came up behind me and made me sit down while coach call 911.


me, Adams mom, Adams dad , Adams older brother, his little sister, my mom, my dad and my little brother were all sitting in the waiting room at the hospital Adams dad was pacing around the waiting room Adams mom was holding his little sister my mom was holding me and my little brother was holding my hand we had been there for an hour and we were all freaking out we were all thinking the same thing what were we gonna do without him?

Adam banks imagines❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon