Pregnancy scare

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Okay so this gonna be a pregnancy scare not an actual pregnancy but if you guys want me to do a real teen pregnancy I will.

I was just laying in bed I had just woken up when suddenly I felt like I had to throw up I ran to the bathroom and threw up for like 5 minutes

"Oh great I'm sick ugh"

I got off the bathroom floor and brushed my teeth

"Ick that's the end of this tooth brush"

I went back and laid in bed and just sat there till I got a text from Adam

My bankie❤️🥰
Hey baby

Hey love

My bankie❤️🥰
What ya doing

Nothing just threw up

My bankie❤️🥰
Oh no you okay?

Yeah it's probably just a stomach bug or something

My bankie❤️🥰
Okay let me know if you need anything I love you
I love you to

A few hours later I felt fine and I hadn't thrown up anymore so I went to Adams and spent time with him we stayed up till 1am then went to bed

I woke up on Adams chest and felt like I had throw up again I ran to his bathroom a few seconds later I heard Adams worried voice

"Y/n? You okay"

he said as he walked in the bathroom he immediately fell to the ground me when he saw me throwing up he grabbed my hair and held it back and rubbed my back a few minutes later I was done throwing up

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I think so"

"It's a little weird you threw up yesterday to but only in the morn-"

He stopped his sentence and we looked at each other

"When the last time we did it?"

"Two weeks ago...."

"Was it THAT two weeks ago when we didn't have condom and you said you'd pull out that it was no big deal?"

"Yes but I did pull out"

"Not quick enough"

"We don't know if your pregnant or not we haven't even gotten at test"

"Your right let's get some clothes on and go"

We got off the bathroom floor and I brushed my teeth then but On some back leggings, one of Adam sweatshirt, fuzzy socks and crocs Adam put on a hoodie and some sweat pants and then we walked down stairs and got in his car we sat in silence the whole way to the store

We got in the CVS parking lot and looked at each other

"I'm scared Adam what if we get it and it comes back positive"

"If it comes back positive it's gonna be fine we'll find a way to get through it I promise"

"Okay your right also while we're in here we need to get new toothbrushes I can't use mine anymore"

We walked into the store got the pregnancy test and some toothbrushes paid and left we drove back to his house in complete silence we finally reached his house luckily his parents weren't here we walked up stairs I went into the bathroom with the test while Adam sat on his bed I walked out of the bathroom

"Okay I did it now it says we have to wait 3 minutes"

"This is gonna be a VERY long 3 minutes"

3 minutes past and we went to the bathroom to look at it I flipped it over it read "not pregnant" 

"Oh thank god"

Me and Adam hugged each other in relive

"I'm glad I'm not pregnant but it would be nice to have a little baby banks running around here"

Adam looked around the room and a smile grew on his face as he imagined a toddler running around

"I can't wait to have a little baby banks running around but we have to wait till we're a little older"

Adam said as we were walking to his bed we got in his bed and I laid on his chest

"In the future when we have kids I hope we have a boy and he has your blonde hair"

"Well if he gets my blonde hair then I hope he has your eyes"

We sat and bed a talked till we fell asleep

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