Not enough

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I was sitting at my kitchen counter doing homework when I got a call from Adams mom I answered it immediately

"Hey y/n"


"Do you mind coming over Adam and his dad got into a fight and now Adam won't leave his room and I have to be somewhere but I didn't wanna leave Adam alone incase he's not okay"

"Of course on my way now"

"Okay hun thank you love you"

"Love you to"

I quickly put on shoes and grabbed my purse I got in my car and drove to Adams house I pulled in the driveway and both his parents cars were gone I got out of the car and walked in his house I went up to his room but his door was locked I softly knocked

"Adam?" I said softly

I waited no response but i could hear him crying

"Adam come on it's just me everyone else is gone I jsut wanna know if your okay love"

Still no response I got a bobby-pin out of my purse and unlocked his door I walked in and shut the door behind me Adam was sitting with his head in his hands crying

"Adam? Why are you crying you never cry after fights with your dad"

He locked up at me his crystal blue eyes filled with tears his whole face was red I sat down in his bed and took his hands in mine

"I-I'm never going to be good enough for him all he does is yell at me y/n and even though I try not to let him hurt me sometimes he just gets to me and I know he's disappointed in me I'm nothing like what he wanted me to be"

He crawled over and laid his head on my chest I started playing with his hair to calm him down

"You know what Adam no your nothing like what he wants you to be but that's probably a good thing he probably wants you to be just like him but your not your sweet and your kind and your handsome and he's mean and cold hearted he doesn't deserve you as a son you deserve the world Adam and he just can't see how perfect you are"

He looked up and smiled at me


it had been an hour we were watching a movie Adam was still laying on my chest lightly sleeping he had a few tears laying on his cheeks Adams phone started ringing I got it off his night stand and saw it wad his dad Adam was awake by now cause he wasn't in a deep sleep just a light nap

"It's your dad"

"Just let it ring I don't feel like talking to him"

"Maybe he'll apologize?"

"We're talking about Philip banks he doesn't apologize he doesn't have any emotion except for anger"

"Come on Adam"


He took the phone from my hand and answered it after a few minutes he said

"Okay yeah I'll be down in a sec"

And hung up the phone


"He said he needs to talk to me down stairs does it look like I've been crying?"


"Okay I'll be back"

He walked out of the room and a few minutes later he came back

"What was that about"

"H-he apologized for once in his life"

"Really what did he say"

"He said I'm sorry Adam I shouldn't have acted the way I did I shouldn't yell at you all the time hopefully when your a dad you won't make the same mistake I have with parenting and then he hugged me"

"Awe she I told you"

"Yeah yeah whatever you wanna go get food?"

"Oooo yes"

He door dashed food and spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies.

Hey guys I hope you like this I started writing it a bit ago but never finished anyways have a nice day!!

Adam banks imagines❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن