At the school, Hiro is in his class after they dropped off Kaoru. "And so, it's very important that we make sure that don't shut down. I have been apart of some therapies that would assist in many ways. Tanimoto. What do we call the phenomenom where believing in a treatment's power Is enough to improve your condition?" Asks the teacher. "Oh... Uhh Yeah that would be...." Hirozaku sneaks a letter to him, saying "The Placebo Effect". "The placebo effect!" Rikiya responds. "That's right. I didn't think you were paying attention." The teacher says. "Thanks man. You saved my bacon there." Rikiya thanks. Hirozaku has gotten a question right and gained some popularity, his intelligence and charm has increased.

            After school, Hiro just pick up Kaoru along with Rikiya, Ai and Tomomi and are heading to Hiro's home. Suddenly, a gray Toyota pulls up to the group. The closest ones, Rikiya and Ai, could hear Hiro continuously muttering "Oh fuck" multiple times. The car opens to reveal a man at around 5'8"-5'9" with black hair with a medium Asian goatee. He has a button collar blue shirt with a pen in his collar. He wears a long pair of office work pants and has a pair of rimless glasses. Afterwards, an elderly woman exits the other side of the car, to which Hirozaku pretty much goes pale. This woman is rather short, with a height of 5'5", having short white hair and a white shirt along with a blue vest, violet pants and a necklace of the cross. She is hunched over and rather plump. "Hirozaku Chiba! We need to talk!" "No! The hell! We don't!" Hiro responds angrily. "We do! We are not leaving until you actually speak to your family! Why are you trying to push us away? You do know your father is going to lose his job because of you!" The old woman says. "You also told me that when I didn't pick up my room! Now tell me how those two correlate! Or are you gonna go on an hour long rant about how you didn't have air conditioner when you were a kid?!" Hiro says. "Don't you talk to your grandmother that way! Why don't you tell me WHY you aren't planning on being with me anymore?! Did your mom brainwash you?!" "Because it's closer to my school. Now beat it! We got things to do!" "Is it my money?! Do you want me to throw it away?!" The man gives Hiro 2600 yen. "Go on! Throw it! Just throw it in the air! Waste my money!" "Dad! For the love of god! You're embarrassing yourself! Just stop!" Hiro says as he puts the money away. "Do you know how much your father has sacrificed to be with you?! You know he's been thinking about killing himself because of you." The old woman asks. "Grandma! I don't wanna hear it! I'm gone. I'm just gone. You two need a goddamn therapist and I don't wanna be near you two psychopaths!" Hiro says, grabbing Kaoru's hand. "Let's go." He tells the others, who were rather uncomfortable with that whole thing.

            It was an awkward silence to Hiro's home, Hiro not noticing how he is hurting Kaoru by gripping his hand. "So uhh... What did we just witness?" Asks Rikiya. "I don't wanna talk about it." Hiro says bluntly. "H-Hiro... It hurts..." Kaoru says. Hiro lets go quickly, still silent and still pissed. "Hope those two step in dog shit." Hiro mutters again. "Dude, this sounds like a serious problem and-" "Rikiya! Just... shut up for a few minutes. I don't wanna talk about it. Shit happens. I don't wanna look back. I kinda wanna just bail. I'll see you later." Hiro says as he and Kaoru enter his home. "Woah... That happened..." Rikiya comments. "I have a bad feeling about this." Tomomi comments. "I agree. We best keep an eye on him. Those two really seem to affect his personality." Ai agrees.

            Later that night, Hiro is doing his homework, very upset while Kaoru is in the kitchen, increasing his intelligence in the meantime. "Rin-san? What happened to Hiro? What is he like with his dad?" Asks Kaoru to Rin. "Oh... I suppose you've noticed. Well, as a child, Hirozaku has had a very rocky relationship with his father. He was often strict with Hiro, Hiro never asked for help, be it from me or from tutors as he is rather traumatized. He fears failure because his father always scared him, yelling at him to do things right. I tell him to not do that and all he does is try to guilt me." Rin explains. "I had to divorce him because of how he treated Hirozaku, but he still calls and tries to get Hiro to be with him again. I know what happened earlier today." Kaoru looks at the stairs leading to Hiro's room. Later on, Kaoru enters his room. "Yo. You should get to bed pretty soon." Hiro tells Kaoru. "Yeah... Hey Hiro." "What's up?" "I just want to let you know that... you did a great thing standing up for yourself like that, Hiro. I just want to know that you don't need to be that tough around me." Kaoru says. "Heh. You're sounding like a damn therapist." Hiro comments. "I just wanna let you know that you can confide in me. Just like how I confide in you too." "Yeah, thanks for that." Hiro replies, feeling a bit more friendship from the young child.

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