The Halls of WICKED

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here! How did you escape the Maze?!"

There we're so many questions none of which I had time to answer, but something in my mind registers and I remember her name.
"Evita Cornelius?!"

"You...remember me?"

"I-I'm sorry but, I dont know who you are, only that, when I escaped my Maze I found a letter addressed to me, it said it was from my mother, but I found out it was"

An expression of guilt falls across the purple haired woman's face.
"That story is best told another time. And I'm sure you have as many questions as I do, but the most important is why you are back here. It's the last place you want to be trust me."

"I know, but I'm looking for something and I think I need your help."

"Of course I'll help you, we both will. What do you need?" I give a grateful smile

"The serum from the Immunes. I was told it would be here."

Evita and the woman exchange glances.

"It's not, all the sereum they've made so far, it's in the vault, on sub level three. Where there holding all the subjects." The blond says.
I shake my head in disbelief

"No...she-she said it was here."
I turn my back to the women and radio Thomas.
"Thomas, is Teresa with you?"
"Yeah, we got the kids out-"
"Put Teresa on, now!"
The radio goes silent but Teresa's voice comes through
"You lied. The serums not here."
"What no it has to be!" She pleas
"We'll it's not, it's in the vault, Sub level three."
"Ok, calm down, that's where we are. We can get in and get it out."
I sigh,
"Alright, what should you have me do then."
It takes a moment for an answer.
"Meet Brenda at the bus, it's in the parking garage, well meet you there with the Immunes." Thomas says
I click the walkie talkie off and turn back to the women.
"I have to leave, it was...nice meeting you."
I go to leave, but they halt me,
"Wait, why do you need the serum so badly?" the blond one asks.

"Someone I care about has the Flare and WICKED took one of our friends. We're here to get him back and we have to take the serum."

"What's your friends name?" Evita asks


"Where did they look to get him."

"Sub level three."

"He's not there. They just had him moved, made us take blood samples before carrying him somewhere else in the facility."

"If your missing a job on your mission, a good one would be to help out your friends and go find him." Evita suggests.

"Why are you helping me? You work for WICKED"
They look at each other once more.
"It's a long story, but we know your doing the right thing, and we want out of here as badly as you."

I nod and say
"Thank you" I look at the two scientists fondly, like a child looks at her mother, but I come back to reality and radio once more to share the news.

"Thomas, Minhos not there he's-"

"In the medics wing, we know, we just found out."

"Listen to me, I'm closer then you are, I can get him out."

"You can't do it alone, I'm not doubting your skills, but you'll need backup. Teresa will take us to him and we can meet you there instead."

"Copy, on my way." I put the walkie in my pocket and ask the scientists one more thing.
"What's the fastest way to the medical wing?"
I follow Evita and the other woman who's name I learned was Gwen. I follow them for a long time, and as we jog, the fire alarm begins to sound. Something's happened. I get out the communication device almost dropping it as I run,

"Thomas, what's happening."

"We lost Teresa, she set off the alarm, me and Newt are still heading to the medical bay."

"Did Gally get the serum?"

"I don't know."

"Shit" I whisper and run a little faster.

"We're almost there." Evita says.
Me and the women round the corner of a hallway, but we immediately stop running, when five guards block the hallway.
"Doctors, step away from the so called Dr. Nicholas." One of the guards says,
"She's an imposter, get on your knees!" Another commands.
"Do either of you know how to shoot." They shake there heads.
"Guess this is up to me."
I form a quick plan and do as the guard says, I get on my knees.

"Put your hands up!"

Two of the men come up behind me, I put my hand on the gun and when one man is close enough, I elbow him in the crotch causing him to fall. I take out my gun and begin to shoot the guards, using the one in excruciating pain as a shield.
"We have a shooter, I need backup!" One of the guards radios
"Evita, Gwen, get outta here!" They nod and Gwen begins to run back down the hallway, but Evita doesn't move.
"Go!" I yell. She sheds more tears and mouths
I look into her eyes as Gwen pulls her along and I feel like I'm saying goodbye to a long lost friend.

The thought is interrupted when I realize I'm running out of ammo and have only taken down about three soldiers. I feel a panic attack coming, but as soon as I think my life is going to end and the guards will win, my rescue comes.
The three remaining soldiers are taken down and everything goes quiet except for the alarms and the sound of the chemists and techs trying to gather there things and escape.
The guard who was my shield has been shot many times, I think he's dead. I shove him off and stand up breathing heavily.
I look to my left to see my saviors, Thomas and Newt. I practically cry I'm so glad to see them. I jog up to meet them in the middle of the hall, tackling Newt in a hug, and peppering his face with kisses. He chuckles and says "I've missed you too, but we have to go." I release him and see that the backup the guards called for has arrived.
"Scoot over." I tell Thomas, I aim my gun and fire my last shots, taking down both soldiers.

"I told you you were the best..." we look at a leach other dreamily, not moving but Thomas makes us.
"Come on, we gotta get Minho."
Me and Newt follow Thomas down the hallway but soon have have take cover from oncoming fire.
We duck and run for awhile, trying our best not to get shot but soldiers keep coming.
"I'm out," I say mid battle
"Take this"
Newt hands me his shotgun, and I resume firing.
"Get down!" The three of us duck behind a wall.
"I'm almost out" says Newt. Thomas keeps shooting, and Newt looks around.
In one of the passed out soldier's pockets he finds something.
"Get back!" Newt throws a grenade looking thing at a group of soldiers and it blows. Sending a mass amount of electricity into them, they all drop.
"Nice" Thomas says, we get up and continue running. The boys are out of bullets, I'm the only one left.
"You three, freeze! Get on the ground!"
I take aim, and I am about to pull the trigger, but someone runs into the guard, slamming him against the wall while yelling like a rabid beast. He punches him relentlessly and throws him through the nearest window.
When he's finished his rage the man stops and looks at us. It's Minho.

"Minho!" Thomas and Newt run up to there friend and tightly embrace him. All three of them are elated to see each other again.
"Is this real?" Minho asks, the two others nod but before anyone can speak guards chase us once more.

I run and run, following my friends down the halls of WICKED being pursued by guards. One of them fires and I duck just enough to dodge the bullet. I turn my head briefly and shoot the guard. He falls and still looking behind me I give a triumphant smile. Unfortunately my moment is stricken away when I trip and fall.
I slam so hard into the ground the air is knocked out of me. Newt stops running and tries to help me up but I can't move.
"Newt, you have to go, I'll find you I promise! I promise." He has tears in his eyes
"I can't, I can't leave you here."
"Go please." A few soldiers have found us and Newt is forced to run.

"Alright Missy, your coming with us. Don't move!"

This time I actually obey the soldiers, I'm to tired and I'm in to much pain to try and stop them.

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