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The headache hit him the very second he opened his eyes. While groaning, he hit the snooze of his alarm clock and tried to stand up, only to trip over something sitting beside his bed.

"Jisung! What the hell are you doing here!" he exclaimed in shock, glaring at the boy who was rubbing his knee while hissing.

"I guess I fell asleep..."

"I mean, what are you doing in my apartment?!"

"You were drunk, I wanted to help."

"Oh, right...nevermind. Thanks, I guess. You can leave now."

Minho made his way into the kitchen and started preparing himself a coffee, shaking away the intense pounding against his temples.

"Why do you always tell me to leave?" Jisung sat down behind the kitchen island and laid down his head on it. "I want to be with you."


"You're my only friend."

Minho rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say. Do you want a coffee since you’re not leaving?"

Jisung aggressively nodded and smiled, wiggling on the chair like a little kid. He watched the older's movements intensely, noticing how his slender delicate hands moved while preparing the cups for the coffee, the veins on them popping out.

"Could you stop staring?" Minho handed him a red cup with white dots on it. Jisung once claimed it long ago, Minho just remembered. The dark brown liquid was still hot, but Jisung went for it right away, hissing in pain right after.

"Be careful, you idiot," Minho chuckled, making the other's heart skip a beat. It's been so long since he's seen him genuinely smile.

"I need to go to work now... Do you want a ride?" Minho asked, drinking what was left of his coffee.

"Are you..." Jisung shifted uncomfortably. "Are you being this nice because of yesterday? Because, if yes... You don't have to do this."

Minho froze. Jisung might have been right. "Use your own legs then... Bastard." He left to his bedroom to dress up, but screamed: "I want to see you gone in ten seconds!"

"Sure, hyung! I'll stop by later."

"No, don't-" Minho started, but was cut off by the front door closing. "He's unbelievable."

All day in work, serving the customers, he thought about Jisung. While making the coffee, he thought about that damn cup with spots on it. When talking to customers, he saw Jisung in each of them.

"Minho, you're overfilling the cup!" Seungmin, another waiter in the cafe he worked at, screamed in shock, while taking it from his hands. "What are you thinking about so hard? Or maybe...who?"

"Just thinking about how much I hate Jisung," he said casually.

Seungmin smirked, leaning against the counter. "What has that Jisung dude done that made you hate him?"

"He's just so annoying and...shit." Minho made the coffee he ruined again and put it on the tray next to the other beverage. "I'm gonna serve this to customers."

"Okay, I'll go and clean the tables," Seungmin sighed and went back to work.

While flashing a small, really fake smile to the customers, placing their coffees and a juice on the table, a girl has entered the room.

She had her dark brown hair tight in ponytail, secured with a pink bow that colour-wise matched with the rest of her outfit that consisted of a black shirt and pink short skirt. She seemed familiar to Minho, but he wasn’t really paying attention.

After a brief greeting, he showed her an empty seat and asked: "What would you like to order?"

"Oh my god, is that you, Minho?" She raised her voice, causing the other to take a proper look.

"Hari?" he questioned, and she nodded excitedly.

"Huh, you look better in broad daylight," she commented, taking out her phone. "Now, you have to give me your number."

"Why should I?" He ran a hand through his pitch black hair, messing it up slightly. She caught the light smirk playing on his lips.

"You don't want to miss out." She unlocked her phone and gave it to him. He looked around, in case his boss decided to finally check on his employees and then typed it out.

"Thanks," Hari put her phone back into the purse. "Now... I'd like to order iced coffee..."

"One iced coffee coming." He smirked and left behind the counter to make the drink.

After grabbing a clean cup, his sight randomly fell on the entrance and something caught his eye. The boy that has been on his mind for the whole day stood there. But, he didn’t have the usual smile on his face, instead, he looked angry, furious even. When their eyes met, he turned around and ran out.

"Hey, Seungmin! Make an iced coffee for that lady, I am right back," he screamed his colleague's way and followed Jisung out.

He found him just a few seconds from the café, sitting on the stairs of a random house, his face buried in the palms of his hands.

"J-Jisung?" Minho called out, uneasy. He sat down next to the blond and hesitantly held his shoulder.

"Who was that girl?" Jisung’s faint voice was almost impossible to hear because of the traffic.

"A friend of mine," Minho replied.

"Just a friend?"

"Yeah...? What made you react like that?”

"I..." Jisung looked at him with teary eyes. "I thought she was your girlfriend."

"You idiot. Are you angry because of that? Stop it, right now."

But, there were tears falling out of Jisung’s eyes now.

"Hey, I won't ever talk to her again if you want, just stop crying!" Minho exclaimed, smacking the other's head playfully.

"You promise?"

He didn't know what was happening. Why was he sitting here, talking to Jisung like this? Why would he care that much that he followed the boy out here? Why didn't he like seeing him cry? Why did he say the sentence he was about to say?

"Yeah, I promise."

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