"Are you sore after last night?" he asked her, running his hands over her back.

She shook her head, "I am fine, bandar."

Nodding, "I love you, Raavi," he murmured, as he took a deep satisfying breath, luxuriating at the feel of her in his arms, sinking his fingers into her wet hair and hugging her tightly for seconds before he released her, enthusiastically saying, "we need to figure out that logo on the piece of paper... lets go!" and hopped off the bed to the washroom.

"Yes, I love you too!" Raavi called out as she grinned at his retreating figure.

Raavi smiled to herself, she had a good feeling about rest of their Sunday, pre-honeymoon day 3. Kissing a photo of Shiva on her phone, she would never forget these special days with him, nor would she take it for granted. Everyday she'd wakeup loving Shiva a little bit more, nurturing their relationship which was the foundation for the rest of her life. Before she got caught up in her own thoughts, the inner voice in her head told her, oh madam, jaldi jaa aur brunch bana. Tera bandar shower se bhooka aayega, aur khane ke liye alag se tandav karega.

Smiling to herself, thinking of Shiva's mood when he was hungry, she ran to the kitchen to make brunch so when her bandar came out of the washroom, he had something to eat.

After getting dressed for a casual day at home in black Nike track pants and a green t-shirt they had brunch made by Raavi: Dhokla, Brown Jeera Rice with traditional kadhi, bhindi sambhariya, and buckwheat kheer with fruits and edible rose petals. Raavi mock complained Shiva was a picky bhukkad, he only would certain vegetables like okra, cauliflower, beans, depending on his mood, potatoes. But he had eaten every bite making deep appreciative noises taking seconds and thirds of dessert, before he realized his aim this Sunday was not to just eat Raavi's fantastic cooking, it was to find out the connection between Raavi and that paper from the building in Patel Nagar.

Getting fired up, he almost obsessively had spent the better part of Sunday on the Internet, and on the phone trying to find a match for the logo on the piece of paper. He told her, first they'd have to link the logo on the paper to a company or institution, and how her parents were connected to it. Then, they figure out how to fight the builder who had used every trick in the book to prolong negotiations all the while keeping her emotionally attached to the derelict building. He had said, one truth should lead us to the other.

Raavi nodded, following his lead, and for hours spent time researching, looking up clues. They had called Pavan Kaka, filling him in on the details of the paper Shiva had found and asked him if he recognized the image. Pavan Kaka hadn't been able to figure out the details around the logo, but promised he'd ask around.

Raavi got a vague sense of familiarity when she saw the unique color of the logo... as if she had seen it before, but nothing came to mind instantly so she just brushed it off as a side effect staring at the same image for hours. "Shiva, we have been at for 4 hours its now 5 PM, lets take a break. Then, I'll call Hetal, maybe she knows something, as she does a lot of ad and promotional films for lots of different companies," said Raavi, rubbing his back.

"You take a break, sweetheart, I am fine. And I agree, call her, and I will call Vasu, Arjun, my brothers. Actually, just organize a group call with them and Rishita and Dhara Bhabhi... someone has got to know about this..." said Shiva, absent mindedly, gazing at iPad keenly. He was trying to figure out the dimensions of the logo, and then try to sketch out the missing piece. Within half hour, Raavi had organized a group call, and Shiva was on them like a drill sergeant.

"Look at it again...does it look familiar? Gaumbi, you have been alive practically forever...do you know anything? The camera isn't picking up the unique color, but logo tapers off and looks long at the bottom," said Shiva squinting hard, "almost like legs?" Raavi completed for him, as he nodded.

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