Bertholdt on the other hand, seemed slightly irritated, or, as irritated as someone like him could get.

"Well, we should finish patrolling quickly, we could go help them clean the cannons on the wall so we can all get off duty quicker that way." I said before forcing myself into a standing position. 

Just as we were about to continue our patrol, Annie came over of her ODM gear. She strolled over as nonchalantly as one could with ODM gear around their waist, hands buried in her pockets and eyes just as cold as ever. 

She gave the other two a terse nod, but offered me a hidden smile through the glimmer that sparked in her eye when she nodded to me. I returned the look.

"I think the others have finished wall duty already, I saw Sasha running off a few minutes ago." Annie said, shrugging. I laughed under my breath, thinking of how Sasha probably ran away to get food the first chance she got. 

Berthold and Reiner nodded, both straightening up now too. Me and Annie felt tiny compared to the two abnormally tall men. I silently cursed them for being so tall.

"Well, how about me and Reiner go patrol by the wall so you two can patrol over here. We'll come get you when we're done." Bertholdt offered. I shrugged, my only thought being that I'd get to spend more time alone with Annie, although it wasn't like I didn't spend enough time with her anyway.

"Just don't cause any trouble, I know how you get with the market venders Reiner." I warmed, pointing an accusing finger in Reiners direction for the last part. He just huffed and turned away to follow Bertholdt into the maze of buildings. 

Reiner may be the big brother figure, but I'll always be like a mother to all of them. And a little boy should never disobey his mother. 

I watched the two jump down into the streets and disappear in the crowd of people, Annie standing by my side with her arms crossed over her chest and a bored expression painted visibly on her face.

"They're gonna cause trouble, aren't they..." I sighed. Annie shrugged and turned in the opposite direction to start our patrol.

"Dunno, could go either way, I guess." She stated in her usual monotone voice. I chuckled quietly under my breath and shook my head in disbelief before following after Annie. I had to jog a little to catch up with her, but once I did, I grabbed her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers as we strode across the rooftops, scanning the streets for any sign of anything unwanted. 

I couldn't quite understand what we were supposed to be patrolling for, but I doubted we would find whatever it was anyway. 

The feeling of a hand tugging on mine brought me back to my senses, and I turned to face Annie with a curious look adorning mine.

"Once we reach the other side of the city, our patrol will be over." She said casually, clearly wanting me to catch onto the rest without her having to say it out loud. I laughed, then grinned and dropped Annie's hand. 

I leaped forward, shooting the hooks of my ODM gear into a nearby building.

"Race ya'!" I challenged for her, a gin on my lips as I zipped away. I soon heard Annie's wires zipping closer, until suddenly I saw her blurring passed me. I let out an exasperated screech of annoyance and sped after her. 

I went to shoot my hooks into another building, but another pair came out of nowhere and knocked mine away before they had time to embed themselves in the rock. 

I saw a flash of short brunette hair and a military uniform clothing a tall person, although I couldn't tell which branch. 

My eyes widened when I felt the pit of my stomach start to flip with the sensation of my body falling. I was too shocked to make a sound, but that didn't stop me from being scared to shit. 

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