Chapter Five

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Mr. Blue Eyes with the perfect timing. I quickly wiped away the tears.

"I'm fine"

"Mm, yea I don't believe you. But whatever I won't pry"

"It's my sister came to visit and she"

"It's ok if you don't want to share"

"She has been living with my dad"

I started to ramble.

"and has started using my mom just for her wallet which is money from my dad to support us. He's a businessman and Elle seems to think that means she gets everything in the world she wants. My mom has taken the divorce terribly and my sister, who looks exactly like he might I add, is treating her like a servant. It's not like that's the woman who birthed and raised you. And"

He's been listening this whole time. So intently, it didn't matter how different our backgrounds were. I mean I'm complaining about my sister being a spoiled brat and he's been sleeping on this balcony for years. I stopped myself. I can't believe I let myself ramble as much as I did.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spill all that on you at once"

"Do you feel better now that you did?"

"Actually yes"

We shared a smile and he brought me in for a hug. It felt different. I've fallen asleep next to him for like a week and yet this hug is unexplainable. I stay in his arms for what seems like one sec but an eternity all at the same time. He puts his hand on my face and pushes hair behind my ear. We looked into each other's eyes and I felt my heart skip a beat. I forgot where we were, who we were around, I forgot why I was even complaining. Our lips are 3 inches away.

"I still find it funny you know my name and I don't know yours"

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