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"ye, just tell me if he's blackmailing you." sana trails behind yewon, continuously repeating the same statement for the zillionth time.

"gosh, sana, i don't know for how longer i can tolerate you. don't make me go to jail."

"but ye, you and jimin? friends? now i have to believe this?"

"he is a human, sana. a human and another human can be friends, can't they?" yewon sits on her bed, tired of sana's questioning.


"drop it," yewon's authoritative voice shuts up the other female. sensing sana's sadness, yewon decides to change the topic. "so, a little birdie told me that namjoon and you are going on a date." she wiggles her eyebrows to sana.

"we all know, the 'birdie' is jihyo. but yes, yewon, he agreed. can you believe it?" sana squeals in excitement while yewon smiles at her in adoration.

"he had to. who can ever resist you babe?"

sana opens her mouth to throw a quirky reply to yewon, but a 'ding' sound catches both of their attention. yewon's phone lights up by a message notification.

ramen at the convenience store?
plus, i'm Jimin :)

yewon smiles a little at his use of the smiley. saving his number, she replies.

could use a little company.
                                   alright, just because
                               sana's bothering me. :/
                                   be there in 10 min.

"who's that?" sana tries to peek in yewon's phone as the other girl stands up to find a hoodie and touches her tousled hair to settle them, infront of the mirror.

"just an old friend. she wants to meet me. i'll see you tomorrow, babe." yewon sends a flying kiss to sana before she runs down the stairs, leaving a bewildered sana who was on the verge of complaining not to leave her alone like that.


"oh, you're fast." yewon mumbles as she walks towards a seat to sit beside jimin, who was slurping down his noodles.

the back of the ramen store was beautiful, with many two heart shaped seats, white net curtains hanging from the above, over green grass and the night sky above the head, stars twinkling like fairy lights.

jimin starts coughing on hearing yewon's voice, startled. yewon sits beside him and pats his back, handing him a water bottle. he chugs the water and relaxes, finding his voice to speak.

"hey, you kinda surprised me." jimin flashes a wide, embarassed smile to her.

"guessed that." yewon replies as she opens her cup ramen and starts eating.

"you actually came."

"sana was being a pain in the ass. kept asking me why i was with you today. i figured out it would be less annoying to accompany you than answering her stupid questions." she replies as jimin nods at her answer, choosing to be content at her company, no matter the reason.

"people are spamming me with messages. they can't believe what they saw today." jimin lets out a small sad laugh.

"i don't care what people say. but if you do, that's a you problem." yewon answers, even if she knows that's not the complete truth. she did care to some extent, but she wasn't a person who would care about what people said about her choice of friends or what she did to such an extent where she would break off with Jimin.

"that's admirable, yewon. not everyone has the ability to not give a shit about others opinion."

yewon shows a thumbs up to jimin as she slurps on the last bit of noodles.

"the stars are beautiful tonight." he says, staring up at the night sky.

"they always are." both of them had finished their food, now looking up at the twinkling stars.
"looking at stars give me so much comfort. it's like-"

"they're always there, even if people leave. they'll always keep shining, every night, and whenever you'll look at them, you'll find them the same. they don't change. they stay, they remain your constant comfort, unlike people who give you comfort and then change and betray you." jimin senses the broken voice, but keeps still as yewon's eyes tear up.

"jimin, we loved stargazing. ever since childhood, it was like a part of our routine. we always told we'll gift each other a star when we grow up. but we broke apart. looking at the stars again, i get reminded of us so bad, it's painful." two little tears slide down yewon's cheek as jimin scoots closer to her, wrapping a hand over her shoulder and patting her.

yewon couldn't tell, but there was something about jimin that spoke of so much comfort. it seemed like he was made to withstand pain and help others withstand it too. he was just holding her, not even completely, but yewon felt so much better, so much less lonely. jimin was effortlessly radiating so much of homely vibes, that yewon just wanted to soak in him.

"memories can be painful, yewon, but you can't let them hold you back. you're strong, so i want you to do something. i want you to look at stars every night, despite the pain you feel while doing so. one night, you'll look at the stars but the horror of your past won't haunt you anymore. somewhere, in the corner of your heart, maybe it'll still be there, but it won't consume you, it won't be powerful enough to stop you from doing what you loved to do."

"okay." yewon feels a crack in her heart ready to be healed, but she had to do what jimin said, to let it heal completely. she didn't know whether to thank him or say something else, so she just keeps sitting, with jimin's hand over her shoulder.

"good." the male exhales a breath, happy to sense comfort in the girl beside him. it was no doubt that she carried stories of pain and heartbreaks in her, flowing in her blood. he could hear the little cracks of her heart with each heartbeat. jimin wondered if she kept up a wall to prevent the sadness in her from flowing like huge waves, or if she build a strong armour to protect herself from further betrayals and backstabbing.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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