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The whole dinner, it was just the parents conversing with each other while on the other hand, me and Jimin were plainly eating, mostly because I was feeling too guilty and he was probably an introvert.

I don't know why I am feeling guilty though. I've bullied so many people. Maybe because our parents are friends and we'll meet like this more often where I won't be able to bully him and act like we're the best of friends.

After dinner, here we are, sitting in between the adults. I was feeling so bored. Judging Jimin's face, he was bored as hell too.

"Well, why don't the two kids go somewhere else? You're getting bored, aren't you?" Jimin's dad speaks with a smile.

"Yes." We both say at the same time.

Standing up, I guide Jimin to my room. He just walks behind me silently.

[Jimin pov]

She's so beautiful.

Almost like an angel fallen on earth.

Walking behind her, my eyes refuse to leave her slender back that is on full display.

She stops right in front of a room as she turns back to me with a small smile.

"Get in." She says as I enter her room. It's as beautifully decorated as she is. With a slight touch of delicacy, the whole room is something I would love to have.

Sitting on the couch that's situated right beside her bed, I watch Yewon as she cutely sits beside me, maintaining distance.

"Do you perhaps hate me?" She speaks, breaking the awkward silence. She doesn't look at me, playing with her fingers.

"Hate? Nah, that's too strong." I smile.

"I did bully you though," She looks almost guilty.

"You did but that's nothing compared to what I faced my whole school life."

"You mean you were bullied?" Yewon looks at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah. Coming home with a bloody nose or face had because a routine for me. My copies were flushed in toilets, my uniform used to be torn and what not." I painfully laugh.

"I'm so sorry. I do bully people but I don't hurt them."

"You don't even look like one of those monsters Yewon. They were the worst." I could feel the pain I experienced back in my old days.

She doesn't speak but the silence conveyed the comfort she wanted to give to me. It was enough for me. How many people did even care for me?

"Yewon, don't you think you should stop bullying?" This time, I look at her.

"I tried Jimin. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop."

"You have a reason to do all of these?"

"You think I was always like this? No. Conditions made me the way I am." Her voice cracks a bit.

"Yewon..." I hold her hand. She doesn't reject instead her tears start falling.

"I wanted to destroy the dreams my dad dreamt about me. Everything he wanted me to be, I always wished to crash those. Because if he couldn't be a dad to me, he has no right to bring me on his own path."

I listened to her. How broken she sounded. How fragile and open she was right then. How much she despised her dad. I didn't want to judge her reasons, I wanted to just be a listener to her.

She paused. After a while, she wiped her tears and moved away from me.

"I shouldn't have told you..." She says, breaking my heart.

"Your secrets are safe with me, I promise. Nobody would even know we met tonight." I shoot her an assuring smile although I was really hurt from her statement a little while ago.

"Hm. Thank you." Yewon says as she stands up. It feels as if...as if she doesn't like showing her emotional side to someone and if she did, she tries to avoid it.

"I should get going." I stand as well.

"Yeah," I nod at her and start walking towards the door to exit.

"Jimin," she calls out my name ever so gently, so different from the aura she has in college. I turn to her with a smile. "I'll not bully you anymore. I promise." Yewon smiles at me, my heart almost melting at her.

"Thank you. But Yewon, it's okay to feel broken down sometimes. How long can someone pretend? So please, don't ever beat yourself to be strong if you can't be."

I don't look back and leave her room. She stands there. Still and frozen.

[ Yewon pov ]

But Yewon, it's okay to feel broken down sometimes. How long can someone pretend? So please, don't ever beat yourself to be strong if you can't be.

He's right. I don't have to pretend always. But why did it feel so warm when he said that? It felt like, finally, besides my mom, someone cares. Cares about me. About my heart.

But no, I shouldn't feel this way. I'm supposed to be a mean girl. So that I can crash my dad's dream. So that I can make him feel the way I've felt for so long. No, no, I can't care. I can't feel soft. If I ever do so, it'll be too hard to be the girl I'm trying to be. A destroyed girl from who my dad can't keep any expectations.


I know it's short 🥺 im sorry okayyyyy
im having my eggzams, pls gimme some time, i'mma give you lots of updates once my eggzams end! okay babies? ily sm and take care! 😚💕

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