Wedding Bells

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"Hey, Will?"

"Yes darling?"

"Do I look good?" Henry asked. "... Like… Do I look good and nice and like a groom should on his wedding day? I worry I look too stupid."

"Oh darling, you look absolutely lovely." William sighed. "Don't let your anxious little brain tell you otherwise."

Henry smiled a little. "... Thanks… I really needed to hear that today."


"Is something wrong?"

"I don't mean to concern you, but it's going to be hard to get your hair to look more… Controlled? Best I can do is make it look like you at least tried to brush it." William admitted. "It's too curly, and I don't think we've got hair gel…"

"I don't think hair gel could save my bird's nest hair." Henry joked, making both himself and William laugh.

"Oh come on, I wouldn't go as far as calling your hair a bird's nest."

"Well I'm glad at least you think it looks fine."

It would look so much better longer, though, William thought to himself, refraining from letting out a sad little sigh. Another moment later, and he set down the brush.

"There. I think that's about as good as I'll get it. Now stand up and turn around and let me see that face." Henry did as asked, and William put his hands on Henry's shoulders. "Oh you look-"

Beautiful as ever…

William looked Henry up and down and gave a little smile of satisfaction.

"Good?" Henry asked. William nodded. 

"You look bloody fantastic."

Henry seems satisfied with this answer. "Great. Now if only I could feel as good as I apparently look. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited and happy as hell but god damn if my stomach isn't doing flips right now."

"You just need to sit down and relax. Everything is going to be perfectly okay." William replied, placing his hands on Henry's shoulders and giving them a slight rub. Henry took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah, I know…"

"Hey Henry? Are you in here?" 

Henry and William looked over as Jen, Henry's sister, walked into the room. Her hair was done up in a bun, as usual, though she was wearing a lovely dark red, long-sleeved dress with a pair of matching heels.

"Oh great. You haven't run off just yet." She joked, which made Henry laugh.

"Oh don't worry, my anxiety is trying it's best to make me do just exactly that. Nice dress, by the way."

"Oh this? I've just had this sitting in my closet for years." Jen replied, slowly spinning around. "Haven't had a reason to wear it until now."

"Well it looks quite lovely, and I'm sure you'll find yourself a girlfriend all dolled up like that." William chuckled.

"Oh, I could say the same for you, minus the girlfriend bit." Jen replied with a laugh. "That suit looks fantastic on you."

"Thank you."

"Wow, complimenting him and not me, huh? I see how it is." Henry joked. Jen playfully rolled her eyes at her younger brother.

"Oh hush, you'll be getting more than enough attention today, Henry. You're going to be the one who's up on that altar."

"That just means I need all the more compliments I can get."

"Well, you look fantastic too, Henry, but I feel that goes without saying."

Wires and Fires (Willry/Helliam)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang