Farewell Old Friend

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When I landed Vi's hair was a complete mess and she was still breathing heavily when she looked at me then said.

"Slow down next time please."

"I'm sorry baby I'll try next time."

I kiss her on the cheek. She looks around and looked confused.

"Why are we here? I thought we where going to see Ekko."

"We are I just need to check on some people-"

I was soon interrupted.



Two kids run to me while the oldest stays her distance.

"Where have you been? She's getting sicker. "

My face drops.

"Barely can open her eyes."

I walk into the old breaking down house they live in and walk to one of the rooms.

I see a woman with purple hair and brown sick skin with her eyes closed.

I crouch by her bed.

"Liv can you hear me. Sweetheart it's me Jade."

She wouldn't wake up so I got ready to heal when one of the oldest of the girls stop me.

"You know you can't. It will kill you."

Vi speaks.

"What does she have?"

I sigh with tears in my eyes.

"A life eating parasite."

"And why can't you heal her?"

"The parasite can absorb my healing ability and will multiply inside her. I can heal her a little but not enough. It almost killed me the first time I tried."

I explained.

"Why don't you use you telekinesis and get it out?"

Vi was determined to help her.

"There are three of them. Two of them are wrapped around her intestines and the third is wrapped around her heart. Everytime I try they squeeze around them and will kill her instantly."

Luckily the kids left the room.

"I have tried everything. I even got a very expensive doctor here. He couldn't help."

Liv finally wakes up but I don't know until she calls my name. I look at her.

"Take c-care of them please. I-I know much you t-tried and t-thank you f-for giving me more time a-and ef-ffort but we are o-out of time."

Her stuttering weak voice said. That broke my heart even more into more tears.

"P-Promise me please."

She opens her hand waiting for me to take it. I look down for a minute then looked up and take her hand.

"I promise."

Those words seem to be the words she was waiting for before I see the life in her eyes leave her.

Tears leave my eyes even more but out of no where a pink color lights above her body forming a body. It was her.

She looks at me with a straight face but soon turn into a smile as she nodded and I nod back as I see her disappear.

I smile.

"What was that?"

Vi asked.

"She's finally at peace."

Vi walks up and hugs me.

"Take the kids to the hideout while I go and put my friend to rest."

She nods gives me a kiss and leaves.


After I was done I go back to the hideout where Ekko was waiting for me. I put the shields up.

When he sees me he hugs me.

"Vi told me what happened."

I nod.

Ekko sheds some tears and we talk about her until it was time to check on the kids.

I go to the kids room and knock on the door.

"Girls I'm coming in."

With that I open the door to see all three of the girls huddled in one bed. Two of them where asleep but the oldest is wide awake silently crying and holding her younger sisters.

She looked so tired. You could tell she was fighting to stay awake. I go up to the girls and kiss the two sleepers on their heads. I turn to the oldest still fighting sleep.

"It's ok. You are safe. You can rest now. I won't let anyone hurt you or the Bree."

She soon drifts off to sleep and before I leave I give her a kiss on the forehead.

I make it to my room, go out to the balcony with a written letter to Jayce and my personal bird and whisper.

"Jayce Talis Piltover."

And let the bird fly and open a gap in the portal for him to go through then close it again.

The silence is soon interrupted by Vi wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my neck softly.

"You scared me for a minute. I could've thrown you through the door."

"Sorry baby. I was going to just leave but you look so beautiful in moonlight I couldn't help it."

I tilt my head to give her more access when it hits me.

"I am a mom."

Vi stops and turns me towards her.

"I know what you're thinking and I just want to get things clear. You're not alone, you are already good with kids, and if you even think you are doing this alone you are going to be very disappointed."

"When do we tell Jayce?"

"We will bring them to Piltover to meet eachother."

I nod with a yawn.

"Looks like it's someones bed time."

She picks me up and changes my clothes for me even with all my protesting. She set me down on my bed gives me a kiss.

I stop her from leaving.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm just going to change."

She changes her clothes into just a nice soft shirt. She got into the bed and played big spoon. We got comfortable I was barely awake when I heard.

"Goodnight Jade. I love you."

With a mumble.

"Goodnight. I love you too."

And with that I feel Vi smile on my neck and kiss it.

I was knocked out cold into a extreme death like sleep where I dream about Liv and all that I hold close to my heart.

I with protect them with my heart and my life if it's the last thing I do.

Author note:

No chapter the upcoming week. I have a lot going on this month so I might change it to posting every other week. Sorry for editing this last minute.

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