Kiba Inuzuka

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Reader is female

The Village Hidden in the Leaves was always a busy places. Especially having Naruto living in the village. He wasn't trouble he was just interesting. You worked at a small animal clinic in the village. The majority of clients that came through is the Inuzuka clan. They did use their ninjutsu with their dogs. So of course they needed to be kept healthy.

The clan often came into the clinic whenever they would get back from missions. Especially if their companions got injuries during their missions. You honestly loved working with all the dogs they were great. Most were playful some couldn't care less about anything. They all had their own personalities.

Maybe that's how you got attached to Kiba and Akamaru. Kiba always seemed a bit shy when he came into the clinic. Akamaru was not shy at all he would jump all over you and lick your face. It always made you happy when he came in to get check ups. Over the years Kiba did loosen up around you but his shy nature always seemed more prominent.

Today was an unusually slow day at the clinic. Very few people had appointments but there hasn't been very many dangerous missions for the village ethier. The doorbell rang as two people walked in. Your stomach dropped when you saw your boyfriend walk in. His arm was around some girl you hadn't seen before. And their lips were also locked together.

"(BF/N) what's going on?" Your voice cracked watching the two make out in front of you. The two separated for a second and looked at you. The girl laughed and clung to his side.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "(Y/N) this should be obvious. I'm breaking up with you this babe puts out for me more than you do. Later," he walked out a hand visibly on her ass. Hot tears stung your eyes, quickly making a run for the back alley. Your vision was blurred the tears streaming down your face.

Running your legs burned but you didn't stop not until you got outside the village. Stopping in a clearing in the woods you wailed and cried. "How could he do such a thing after all the time we spent together?" You roughly rubbed your eyes the tears flowing nonstop it seemed.

Hours passed as you had spent crying. You would stop for a few minutes but the flow of tears would just pick back up. You sniffled as you heard a dog running near by. Lifting your head you noticed the large white fluff Akamaru was approaching at a fast rate. The large dog ran straight into you licking your face.

Struggling to keep the dog off you Kiba ran up not too long after. "Akamaru what are you doing?! Huh? (Y/N) what are you..." He grew silent when he saw how puffy and red your eyes were. You looked away as Akamaru sat next to you wagging his tail.

The lump in your throat weighed heavier knowing Kiba saw the state you were in. He didn't say anything but calmly walked over to you and sat down next to you. The presences next to you calmed you down tremendously. Your crying had stopped and the tears had dried. The pain in your chest didn't leave though. Years of being together were torn away and ruined over what?

Kiba shifted next to you as he draped an arm around you pulling him next to him. "(Y/N) I'm sorry I heard what happened from the hospital...I know I can't imagine what your going through I'm here to help if you want it," he glanced at you with a sincere smile.

You smiled and gave Kiba a hug with your head turned away from him you couldn't see the blush on his cheeks. "Thanks Kiba I'm sorry for worrying everyone I'm sure that's why you were out here," your voice was a bit concerned for a bit.

Kiba cleared his throat and stood up his hand reached out to you. "Shall we had back then?" Taking his hand he helped you up from the ground. He held your hand tightly as he stared at your face. Shaking his self away from you he began to walk back to the village.

He still held your hand as he walked. The silence in the woods was loud. That silence being between you and Kiba. Akamaru panted slightly as he walked next to you staring up at you. You hear pounded in your chest. Kiba's hand was warm in yours not to mention a bit sweaty. He hadn't said anything since you both began the walk back to the village. Kiba walked faster and it was hard to keep up.

You began stumbling trying to keep up with his pace. Panting you tried to let go of Kiba's hand, "Kiba please slow down ha I can't keep up with you." He stopped turning around. You let go of him trying to catch your breath.

He growled and walked over to a near by tree and punched it. "Damn it I'm so pissed. I'll kill that bastard..." His out burst surprised you. Kiba had never acted like this around you. You looked him over and noticed he was bursting with anger.

You walked over and touched his arm, "Kiba what's wrong? Why are you so angry?" Concern washed over your face and Kiba picked it up. He grabbed you and hugged you tightly.

His head buried into your neck, "I can't say it and look at you at the same time..." He sucked in a breath of air, "(Y/N) I love you, and I know it's so soon from that asshole breaking you. But if I have to wait I will I have for so long." He removed his face from your neck. The redness on his face was so bright and his words were true through and through.

Holding in laughter as long as you could it was released, but you held onto Kiba. You kissed his cheek, "Thank you Kiba, I hope my laughter did not upset you. It was so sweet, and I have heard your feelings. So let's go on a date." His eyes sparkled and seemed to perk up with your words. He picked you up and spun you around laughing.

Kiba finished escorting you back home. He held your hand the whole way there. Something your Ex had never done and something you looked forward to in the future. You had already felt yourself falling for Kiba already.

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