DISPT Lucifer

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Reader is female chapter contains adult content please be aware

This chapter is about Lucifer from the Devil is a part timer. I honestly forget this man existed until looking for people to write chapters about and forgot about the huge ass grip he had one my throat at one point so please enjoy.

Was you loyalty to Lord Satan strong enough to follow him him through a magic portal to another world or was it the love you held for General Lucifer that you followed them both? When the war in Ente Isla took a turn for the worst Satan and his most trusted general fled to a realm with no magic or so they thought. After just a short time of living in magic less realm Satan and his general learned that they could gain magic through the humans fear. Satan's only major accomplishment for himself is his progress in MgRonald's. Lucifer and Alciel don't help much with Satan's plan to ruin over Earth and Ente Isla except mainly complain about the things he does in the human realm. Perhaps that is where you come in.

After following the three idiots into the human relam. You quickly gained a good job with great pay and helped the three men in their journey in this mysterious realm. Luckily you were able to acquire a room in the building Satan and his generals resided in by convincing the owner that Alciel was your older brother you couldn't standing being apart from him. Saving a good chuck of your pay checks by living in a semi awful apartment.

What didn't help your pay check was your inability to disobey any commands given to you. No matter what was demanded you had to give in. Which most of the time ment giving any of the ranking men above you whatever they asked of you. What did they ask of you? Your money which was never spent wisely on their parts. Lucifer always spent it on video games or something pointless like that. Alciel always wanted food and not just MgRonald's that Lord Satan would bring home. Satan just bought things that felt right that they "needed" such as on time he bought a washer for their clothes.

Their spending habits did irate you a bit but over all if the out come would be taking over the human realm then by the demon lord he commanded it. Even with other set backs with Emilia and Suzuno being in the human world as well things didn't seem to bad. They both were very helpful at times even gave out advice since you hadn't been in the human realm for very long.

Chiho one of Satan's now earth followers always seemed to be around as well. She began to have a crush on him while working with him at MgRonald's. The young woman seemed to have an admiration for the Lord of Demons. An admiration that ran deep in her blood. The feelings she has honestly were refreshing. Chiho didn't push herself on the Lord but did show small hits that she liked him.

The four of you girls once went to a bath house together. When you all got to the bath house everyone got into the warm water to soak. Sighing and relaxing you heard the water shift around you. Emilia and Suzuno suddenly got close to you. "Can I help you girls?" You said wondering what the two were planning.

Emilia looked at you holding her chin with a questioning look. "We've been wondering how did you become a lieutenant in the Demon Lord's army?" The question took you back. Much wasn't know about you in Ente Isla just that you were almost as powerful as some of the demon generals.

Your face grew warm with the truth behind why you had grown so powerful. You cleared your throat gathering the thoughts swirling in your head. "Well it's because I'm a succubus, and I gathered power through the humans in Ente Isla," speaking the two womens faces showed that something clicked in their minds.

"Ah that makes so much sense then," Suzuno spoke in her monotone voice as usual. Chiho within ear shout heard what was going on. With her knowing about all of your positions in both worlds. She didn't know much about what went on so her curiosity grew.

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