I got a chorus of "hey babygirl" and other pet names.

"Hey doll, we were just discussing about the party." Steve said.

"Party? What party?" I asked confused.

"Your party. I'm planning a party for you baby." Tony said.

"Wait, why?" I asked.

"Because for one, we found you, and for two, you just moved into the tower." Tony said with a smile.

"Aww guys, that's so sweet. You guys really don't have to." I said with a smile.

"But you deserve it love, it'll be fun." Wanda said.

"Guys let's ask each other questions so we can get to know more about each other." I suggested.

Everyone agreed to my suggestion and we started asking questions with Pietro going first.

"So Princessa, where are you from?" Pietro asked.

"I'm from Houston Texas. Where are you from?" I said.

"Me and Wanda are both from Sokovia." Pietro answered.

"I've heard of that place, I believe I've been there before." I said.

Next up was Bucky.

"How old are you doll?" Asked Bucky.

"20. How old are you?" I asked.

"106." Bucky said.

"Woah you're old. An old but extremely handsome 106-year-old." I said with a smile.

"You should see how old Thor and Loki are, they're ancient." Said Tony.

"How old are you guys?" I asked Thor and Loki.

"1,500 years old my queen." Said Thor.

"1,054 my love." Said Loki.

"WOW, now that's old. But you both are still very handsome." I said with a wink.

Next went Nat.

"When's your birthday Мой ангел?" Asked Nat. (Translation: My angel)

"October 29th when's yours?" I said (Fun fact: That's my actual birthday lmao.)

"December 3rd Мой ангел." Nat said with a smile.

Next up was Peter.

"What were you're parents name?" Peter asked.

I then frowned and didn't notice that my eyes were watering.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm so so so sorry baby!" Peter said worried.

"It's okay baby, It's not you're fault. They're names were Steven and Karen. They were amazing and I wish you guys could have met them." I said while breaking down into tears.

All my soulmates came around me and gave me hugs and kisses trying to comfort me.

"It's okay baby, I'm sure they're so proud of you and they're watching over you." Said Wanda.

"Thank you baby." I said while wiping my tears away.

"I'm tired, I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight everyone." I said giving everyone hugs and kisses.

When I got to my room I laid down and went straight to sleep.


"Be careful daddy." Said Sophia

"I always am sweetheart." Said Her father

As he went to open the door the door was kicked down knocking Sophia's father down to the ground.

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