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I walked into group rehearsal a few days later to see West and Emily in amongst the routine which is what I had expected seeing as that is what I assigned them to do
"Let's see it then" I asked as James and I watched the small group practice another run through, James and I had been kept in the loop with the new routine but they said they had added something extra this week so it should be interesting to see what that is about

I watched the routine and nothing seemed to be different until about half way through where they added an aerial. I can't do any aerial and Emily of all people knows that 

"What was that?"  I asked as they finished
"What do you mean Riley?" Hunter asked
"Emily you of all people know I can't do an aerial" I said but she narrowed her eyes at me

"Your me Riley, you should be able to do exactly what I do" She said making me roll my eyes
"I know what you are trying to do and it isn't going to work" I said but before anyone could argue with me anymore Miss Kate walked into the room
"Can I have a minute Riley?" She asked making me nod following her out of the room 

We got to her office were I could see the rest of A-Troupe crowding as the Small group soon joined them in Studio A
"How is this new Dance Captain working out?" She asked as I took a seat in her office
"It's going well. I mean I've got everyone working on what they need to work on" I said 
"And how are your relationships with everyone?" she asked making me look at her confused

"Relationships? This whole thing is merely business Miss Kate. I can't have anything coming in between us and our titles" I explained making her nod
"But there is the problem Riley. Without a relationship with the team, you'll lack the main thing you need with them" She explained
"Chemistry" She said making me nod
"I understand" I said before excusing myself 

I had never thought that when I changed for the better I would have really disrupted my relationships with everyone

I mean, surely one of these days they'll see that I'm doing this to make sure we win 

As I left the office, I glanced over to see the team off to the side huddling together amongst laughing, it was thee dynamic that was always there no matter what drama is about but its a dynamic that I excluded myself from 

I refuse to think that I miss it, I couldn't miss that right now
That wasn't something I could let happen. Not this close to Regionals 


It's been a long day but the day was not over yet, I walked out of my Duet practice with James only to see Henry stood by the cubbies scrolling through his phone
"Hey trouble" he said as I came and stood by him
"What are you doing here? I appreciate the enthusiasm but practice ended for you a long time ago" I said 

"I'm still waiting for mum to come and pick me up" He explained making me nod
It was only then that Miss Kate's conversation popped into my head. I need to build on my relationship with people and what better person to start with then the person who has no preconceptions on me 

"how about I treat you to a juice downstairs?" I asked making him chuckle
"Is Riley asking me out on a date?" He teased making me smirk

"Yes, yes I am" I said tapping the cubby making him look up at me as if to check I was serious

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