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We all walked into Studio A Monday Evening, I hadn't muttered a single word to Emily an I'm beginning to think that is probably what is best
If anyone was to find out about the reused routine, we could have our win stripped from us and even banned for Regionals and that's all because of Emily

I walked in to see the team watching Miss Kate talk with three people in her office, whatever it was. It wasn't good, I glanced around and everyone seemed just as confused for me as a change

There was this feeling in my stomach that I couldn't quite explain it's almost as if I knew something was wrong, but to what extent is still unknown 

Moments later, Miss Kate rose to her feet leaving her office coming towards us all with the same adults as before
"Hey guys. We've got some bad news" Miss Kate said before looking at James and I
"It would seem there was an anonymous tip off that some of your routine was an old TNS routine" Miss Kate said making everyone instantly look at Emily who had a smug smile on her face 

"What we are going to ask of the duet is that you are given 2 hours, a random song and in that time you have to create a routine that meets the standards of your last one" One of the men suggested, I looked at James who confidently nodded before glaring to Emily
"Happily" James said
"Alright well you can't have anyone around so we'll give you this space and see you in 2 hours" one of the ladies said making the pair of us nod as we 


"This is all Emily" I groaned as James and I took a small break
"Yeah I know, I think afterwards we need to speak to Miss Kate. She's going too far Ri" He said and I sighed 
I wanted to and I know I needed to but I couldn't help but still feel that small ounce of guilt that was making me question if I should

"I get she's your sister Riley but this isn't fair on everyone else" James said making me bit me lip and nod
"Alright, Time is up" Someone said making me and James look up at the clocks 
Where on earth did the last two hours go?

I looked at James who nodded at me attempting to give me a ounce of reassurance but the moment I saw Emily with a smirk on her face, the small confidence I had was over with
My palms grew sweaty, my breathing picked up but James was quick to notice that 
As always

He looked at me and took a hold of my hand as the judges, Miss Kate and A-Troupe crowded around
"Are you guys ready?" Miss Kate asked and James nodded before everyone looked at me 
"Ready as we'll ever be" I said trying to switch Emily out of my head but the longer she glared, the deeper she was crawling

"Focus on Me Riley, ignore her" James whispered as we walked to the middle of the floor
"Right here" he said standing behind me taping my shoulder as the music started 

We finished and I looked at James to see the same proud smile on his face that seems to arrive the moment we finish any of our dances lately
His big brown eyes were looking at me and it felt like we were the only two people in the room, like the drama right now was so irrelevant 

If only that sort of moment could last a lifetime 

"That was great guys!" Miss Kate gushed as she walked closer with the three judges around us 
"That was superb. I don't think we have any issues with letting you continue on to regionals. But we must warn you, if something like this was to happen again. We could not be as lenient as we were today" The lady said making us all nod as James intertwined his hand with mine with a smile on both of our faces

We all watched as the Judges left the Studio before we all turned to Miss Kate who looked like she had just taken a big sigh of relief
"Shall we talk about the elephant in the room" James said looking over at Emily
"What do you mean James?" Miss Kate asked but this time Miss Kate looked at Emily

"Why don't you tell her Emily" Michelle said placing her hands on her hips
I think at this point everyone but Miss Kate knew who was the culprit of this anonymous tip
"Emily?" Miss Kate asked making Emily roll her eyes

"You better tell her Emily" I said making look at me with narrowed eyes
"Or what?" She asked pursing her lips together
"Or I will" i said making everyone fall silent 

I'm never one to stop forward to my sister, I'm never the sister that stands up, I always fold first but this time is different
Emily can mess with me all she wants, I've grown used to that but she messed with the team, she messed with our friends 

"Can someone please tell me what is going on!" Miss Kate said raising her brow at us with a slight raise in her voice
"Em?" I asked but Emily rolled her eyes now avoiding all eye contact with anyone 

"Emily is the person who gave the anonymous tip and Emily is also the one who told me to include the reused routine" I said 
"I shouldn't have listened to her but I had no idea how all of this works" I said 
I was an idiot to believe she wouldn't try and ruin it all

"There is a big difference in messing with me Emily and messing with the team" I said making Miss Kate look at Emily in disbelief 

"Is this true Emily?" She asked and Emily looked at her with a roll in the eye before nodding
"Yeah it is and I would do it again in a heartbeat" She growled making everyone around us scoff
"What is your problem Emily!" I said making her look at me with darkened eyes
"You Riley! You are my problem! Everything in life is handed to you and now you come in here and swoop it all up" She yelled

"Do I need to remind you! You are the reason that I am here! I did this all for you" I said and she scoffed
"Yeah look at what a big mistake I made there" she said turning on her heel before Miss Kate brought her back

"Emily, you leave me no choice" She said making me look at her confused as did Emily when she turned back around
"You are now an alternate. Amanda will fill in your spot in all routines" She said making Emily's jaw drop as did everyone else's 

"You can't make the dance captain an alternate" Emily said with a little shake in her tone
"Then it's a good thing you aren't the dance captain anymore" Miss Kate said 

That single sentence was enough to send Emily's face into it's original softened state, it was enough to wipe the smirk of her face and replace it with a complete and utter heartbreak

Emily looked around at all of us before shaking her head and running off with tears streaming her face, she had just had everything ripped from her
But tell me why I was about to chase after her

"Ri, don't" James whispered making me look at him
"I have to" I whispered attempting to follow her

"Riley, if you do she'll just lash out at you" Eldon called making me sigh watching as Emily was around the corner
She was gone 

I had destroyed everything she had built

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