"All right, guys, I did some thinking last night." Mr Schue said as he entered the choir room full of club members. "I think I found our new number for sectionals. We're gonna do the title song from 'Hair.' Now, this show started a revolution." Puck spoke up starting a chorus of questions, "Wait did they have mohawks back then? Like in the '20s or whatever." "Yeah, Mr Schue, if we're gonna do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?" Schuester pulled his bag off of his shoulder, "One step ahead of you. Here are your wigs." Rachel stood up from her seat as he tossed the bag at Finn, "Mr Schuester. What are you doing? We are fine the way we are. We don't need hairography. It's just a distraction." Mr Schue looked back at the rest of the club members, "Look, I have to be honest. Those Jane Addams girls did freak me out a little. And I'm worried about our chances for sectionals. I mean, we have to pull out all the stops if we wanna win." Rachel nodded, still very doubtful of her teacher's decision. William let out a laugh as he looked at all the guys in wigs, "lookin' great, guys."

 Y/n walked faster down the hall to catch up with Quinn, handing her a book titled 'How To Raise A Baby On Five Dollars A Day.' "Saw it on the shelf in the guest bedroom when we were cleaning it out for you yesterday. Thought I might as well give it to you in case you can't find it a home or, y'know, decide you wanna keep it." Quinn looked over to the boy, a genuine smile on her face, "That is so sweet. To be honest, I really don't know what I'm gonna do about it anymore. My mind's pretty messed up about everything." Quinn slowed to a stop as they reached one of the doors to the choir room. "Well, whatever you decide. No pressure. And I know it's not my business but my mom and I are here if you need any more help." Y/n gave her a tight-lipped smile as he walked into the choir room.

Quinn– Thank god for Y/n. Thanks to him, I'm starting to realize that what I need right now, even more than looser pants, is acceptance. Everyone is putting so much pressure on me. It's so easy for them to be distracted. I don't have that luxury. I'm under siege. Maybe the problem isn't that I don't wanna keep the baby. The problem is that I don't wanna keep the baby with Finn. Maybe I didn't give Puck enough of a chance, or maybe I should choose a new guy altogether. But despite Puck being the real dad he's still a douche, and Y/n and his mom have been there for me from the get-go, even when I was a total bitch to him. Finn would freak if I started spending time with either of them though, especially Puck. You'd think the guy would have more trust in his best friend. I need to distract him so that I can take Puck for a test drive, and if that fails I've got Y/n. But how?

Quinn looked over from her boyfriend to Rachel as she openly eyed him like a lovesick puppy.

Quinn– Mmm. Forget about it. She looks like a five-year-old. Still, maybe with a little bit of makeup.

Quinn sped up her walk to catch up with Kurt as the dismissal bell rang. "Hey, Kurt, can I pick your pink brain for a second?" "Why, hello, Quinn. To what do I owe the honor? I do believe this is the first time you've ever spoken to me." Kurt asked as he gave her a quick once over. "I'm sorry about that. Anyways, I have a proposition to make. A makeover." Kurt snapped his head to face her, "I'm in. Makeovers are like crack to me. My suggestion: Spankx. Or a double-knit camisole with a control top for the baby bump. Also, babydoll dresses; dead giveaway." The blonde's smile dropped for a second out of annoyance, "Not for me. For Rachel." Kurt let out a chuckle, "Any why would I wanna do that? I admit I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but somehow Rachel manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time."

"My point exactly," Quinn said as the two of them stopped walking. "You're as concerned about the glee club succeeding as I am. And she's a distraction. Look at her. She's wearing a pantsuit." Kurt spared a glance at Rachel, a shocked look of disgust growing on his face as he spotted her in a bright blue pantsuit. "Don't you think the judges are gonna take one look at her and maybe wanna knock her down a peg or two?" Kurt raised his chin, 'And to think I thought you were a dumb blonde. Deal."

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