Chapter 8 - Reunion

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Meanwhile in Papa Smurf's house...

"You're grounded." Papa Smurf said in a stern tone.
All: "What?!"
  "I'm not finished." He said. The took a sigh.  "For one hour." He finished.

They all heard a thud outside. Both leaders turned to their smurfs glaring at them. "What was that?
Willow asked.

Lily lied. "You can't get me!!!"
"But I will!!!"

"I'm gonna check." Papa said.
He opened the door and saw Sassette playing tag with Ashley(still wearing a mask; he doesn't recognize yet).

"Who's that?" Willow asked curiously about the girl being chased by Sassette.
"No one." Brainy lied, but Papa didn't believe him. "Brainy." He said in a stern tone which made Brainy jumped a little.

Clumsy couldn't hold it in. "OKAY  THAT'S ASHLEY!" He blurted out."PLEASE DON'T GROUND US EVEN MORE!!!" Brainy glared at him. "CLUMSY."

Papa was shocked by what Clumsy said. Willow on the other hand was confused. "Who's Ashley?" She asked.

"She's a human that we told you about."
Handy explains. "Wait, that's her?" Storm asked. "Yep."

"She was like a human sister to us." Smurfette spoke. "She hadn't come back, ever since, "The Incident"."

The smurfettes looked confused about what Smurfette. "What's "The Incident"?" Blossom asked in confusion. "It's best not to talk about it."

Gutsy joined in the conversation. "Also, THAT'S ASHLEY?!"

They nodded, the Gutsy placed his hand on his head. "I did not recognize her in the mask." He chuckled nervously.

  "So that's how she knew my name." Grouchy joined.
Sassette jumped on top of Ashley, she fell on the ground which made her mask fell off and landed on the ground. Both Sassette and Ashley started laughing. Sassette took a look a her face.  "Why is there a scar on your face?" She asked.

Ashley immediately jumped and grabbed her mask and put it back on.

  "What Scar?" She lied trying to hide the scar on her face. She got up and whip the dusk off her clothes. "Well that was fun." She said and started walking away.

"You have a nice day." She started walking but she tripped on a rock making her fall.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!" She was about to land her face to the ground, but someone caught her on time.

   "Careful there, lassie." She looked up and saw Gutsy holding both of her arms making sure she didn't fall. Gutsy helped her get up with her two feet.

    "That you, uuhhhh... Lad?" Ashley thanked pretending to not recognize Gutsy. He chuckled and remove her mask.

"Ashley, you know its me." He said after taking off her mask. Ashley took a sigh of defeat. "You caught me."

The other smurfs and smurfettes stopped what their were doing. The boys were shocked to see her again, the girls were very confused. 

"Hey guys..." She waved nervously, fidgeting her fingers. "OK you all may have not seen me in years, soooo... here I am now."

She spoke. "And I don't care if you're mad at me for not coming here-"

But she was cut off by the boys and Smurfette hugging her (especially Grouchy), she shed a tear of happiness and hugged them back.

Then Willow spoke. "So you must be Ashley."  Ashley looked to her and shocked. "I am Willow. Leader of my smurfs."
Ashley was still very shocked; speechless.

Willow noticed it, and chuckled, because Hefty, Brainy, Smurfette and Clumsy did the same thing.
"This is an introduction."
She spoke.

"Oh, heh, sorry, just a little shock." She said.

Ok this is end end of this chapter sorry TwT

Smurfs and the magic necklace by Artkiller15Where stories live. Discover now