Chapter 2 - Finding a way around

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"Where am I..?"

The figure tried lifting herself up, sweeping the dust off her head and her clothes.

  'This isn't home...' she thought, then she saw a light turned on , it was her phone. She picked it up and turned it on show the time and a date: 12:23 am Thurs, Nov, 12.


She panicked pacing around for a few minutes, she stopped and calmed herself down. Alright, not to worry. "All I have to do is find my way around. She said to herself. "That's easy."

The she started walking her way while still in the dark empty forest. She suddenly had a feeling about it. 'That's so weird why does this remind me of something?' She thought to herself. She wasn't paying attention of where she was going she stepped on something. A trap came out of nowhere 

with her inside. It was tied to a tree a few feet from the ground. She spotted writing in the inside of the trap. "Yep those are Gargamel's   handwriting."

The trapped was filled the Gargamel's handwriting Saying: "You got captured!"

"No worries, I just have to rock the trap, might take forever, just gotta try."

She rocked the trap back and forth at the same time it got faster and faster until the trap hit the tree and the girl was out of the trap and landed on the ground.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You did it Ashley! Now time to get out of here! 

She said as she run as fast as she could to get of Gargamel's traps that would probably be everywhere in the forest.

After getting past all the traps...

It was 1:30 am, Ashley knew she gonna be tired by morning, so she decide to camp for the night, she started a fire and use leaves for pillows and blanket. And she went fast asleep.

Until she had a dream.

She woke up in a dark room, then suddenly heard a voice, It was cold and chilling.

"You thought you escape, didn't you...?

"You're dead wrong..."

"It has been 5 years... and you've grown up..."

"Come here little girl!"

She woke up and started gasping for air, sweating coming down her face.

"It was just a dream..."

End of Chapter 2 Hope you like it !

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