We leave the office and we meet with nurse Nevin outside. She takes us to my room and she gives us my discharge papers, telling us we can leave. Hardin helps me to change back in my clothes, then we leave to the taxi and we go back to our hotel room.

"Are you hungry?"

"I really am. And I might have a craving..."

"Okay, I can bring you everything you want."

"I want Kim's caramel cookies."

"You want cookies? Kim cookies?!"

"Yes! Our baby wants cookies. Please..." I make a sweet face and I know he won't resist.

"Okay, fine! I will call Kim and I will ask her to come here with some cookies."

"But what if you will go there? Or we can go together. I'm feeling better now. Pretty, please!"

"Okay, fine." He sighs.

"Thank you. I love you." I kiss him.

"I know you do." He takes out his phone can he calls his father. For the first time, I hear Hardin apologizing to someone. Wow. Me being pregnant is making him doing this? Well, then it's a really good thing.

"Everything is alright, we can go?"

"Sure. Let's go."

We go to Christian's house and they greet us, congratulating us for the baby, then we go to the couch to talk and Kim brings me some cookies.

Tessa: "Thank you, so much, Kim!" I take a cookie, then I take a bite. It's so delicious.

Hardin: "Easy, okay? We don't want you to throw up."

Tessa: "Yes."

Kim: "And, how many weeks do you have?"

Tessa: "Eight."

Christian: "And Hardin, are you happy to be a father?"

Hardin: "Of course!"

Christian: "I'm happy for you too. I really am glad because you find happiness."

Hardin: "Thank you, Christian."

We talk for a while, until Hardin gets up and I know it's time to leave.

Hardin: "We're going to leave. We have to find a place to stay for a while in Chicago."

Kim: "Oh, Christian... They can stay with us. There is enough space."

Christian: "Yeah, if you want, you can stay here. Our house is big enough for you."

Hardin: "No, thank you. I'd rather pay for a rent."

Tessa: "Hardin!" I hit his arm. "Thank you for your offer, I think we will..." he interrupts me.

Hardin: "We will stay here, then. But until we will find an apartment." Wait what? Is this my Hardin? Jesus! What happened with him?

Kim: "Great! While you go to check out at the hotel, I'm going to prepare a room for you."

Tessa: "Good. Thank you, Kim."

Hardin: "I'll see you later!" He takes my hand and we leave the house.


"Yes, baby?"

"What happened to you? Why did you decline their offer, then you accepted it?"

"Because we need a place to live for a while and their house is fine. And I didn't want to fight with you. And I don't want to live in a hotel and to put you and our baby in danger."

"Oh, you're cute. I love you."

"And I love you. Both of you!"

We arrive at the hotel and we pack our stuff.

"Will you be fine if I'm going to rent a car? I saw a renting agency next to the hotel and I don't think it will take me too long. I don't like to wait for a car."

"Yeah, I will be fine."

"Good." He kisses me, then he leaves.

After 20 minutes, Hardin is back. He takes our bags and we check out, then we leave back to Christian's house.

"Are you sure you want to stay with them?"

"Yes. It will be just for a few days, until I find a nice apartment for us, okay?"

"You know how much I appreciate this?"

"You can show me tonight." He smirks, stopping the car.

"I don't think I can have sex..." We get out of the car and he takes our bags.

"Yes, you can. I've talked with nurse Nevin and she said it's okay."

"You did what?!" I say pissed.

"Calm down. Sex is something normal." I ring the bell and I roll my eyes. A few moments later, Kim opens the door.

Kim: "Come on in. Let me show you your room." We walk upstairs and Kim shows us where is the bathroom and our room is next to it. Good because if I will be sick, I will go quickly. "And this is your room. Now, I'm going to let you rest. I bet you want to sleep for a while."

Tessa: "Thank you, Kim."

Kim: "I'll call you when dinner is ready." She leaves.

"And now? What are we doing?"

"We will rest because you are pregnant and you need peace." We sit on the bed.

"And what will happen now? We have a lot of work to do in New York and we have to go to France..."

"For now, the most important thing is our baby." He puts his hand on my belly. "And about France, I don't think we can go there soon, so I can take care of it."

"What you can do?"

"I have a friend who knows a good detective in France. And we will give all the information about your father and let's hope he will find him."

"Okay... Thank you." I kiss him. "You are doing a lot for me and I'm grateful for you. I have no idea how I will repay you."

"I have you and our baby. I don't need anything."

"I love you, Hardin."

"I love you, Tess."


They saw the baby and they are happy. Tessa is having a craving and she makes Hardin to bring what she wants.

And what happened to Hardin? He is finally changing for Tessa and their baby?

He thought about his pleasure and he asked the nurse if Tessa can have sex. This man is something else 🤣

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