Chapter 5: Austin's Regret

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"I have brain-dead. I engage a group of learning. What's unusual?" I answered through the chirping of crickets.

Doubtful gaze, my father was still present on his dark face. The howl of the wind mingled with our conversation. He asked no more questions, out of the way for me to enter the house.


Morning of August 16th.

The school drummed rang beck in playtime. I had a few boring lessons in the morning. With a slight yawn, I could not wait to relax a bit. Got up and opened the curtains, sunlight seeping through the glass. Sitting back in my chair, I looked up at the ceiling. The noise of recess made my mood annoying. But I returned to the stillness and ventured into my fantasy world. Took out my pen, I began to doodle on the pages of my notebook.

"Abony, I have something to tell you."

Looked up and saw a tall figure with a handsome face appearing beside my desk. Austin, whose face made me disgusted. Ignoring his question, I continued with my drawing.

"Why do I never see you come to the remedial class?" Austin asked.

I stopped the pen and paused for a few seconds. Deciding to pretend deaf, I turned to look out the window. This obnoxious guy ruined my imagination. He was a nuisance! Because he was the class president and the hunting dog for the headteacher.

All girls in my class fell in love with Austin to death. They were always talking about his handsomeness and generosity. As for me, I see him as a fake, always chasing after virtual values. He always put on a responsive, kind face to treat everyone.

Not only girls but boys also liked him very much. I admitted him as an exemplary class president. In addition, Austin also got a scholarship for two consecutive semesters. His achievements were respectable, but his personality was the smell.


Austin's POV.

Why did Abony keep dropping out? I had purposely marked that she still went to full remedial classes. But including today, she missed school for a week. I could not cover up anymore.


As soon as the school drum sounded, I stood up and looked at Abony. She sat cross-legged on the table, leaning back in her chair. I stepped closer while she looked up at the ceiling. Abony chewed gum with her soft lips. She always gave off a characteristic apricot scent. I asked her why she did not come to the remedial class. But Abony completely ignored me and treated me like an invisible person.

"Alright, Abony. If you don't answer, I'll have to tell everything to the homeroom teacher. At that time, don't blame me for your father know." Lose patience with her attitude, I said.

Hearing my threat, Abony reacted a little. She stood up, grabbed my hand, and dragged me somewhere. My feet followed in involuntary, even though my face turned pink a little. Her soft hands touched mine, and my heart almost exploded. But I still tried to stay calm so that Abony would not notice the abnormality in my shy expression.

"Where are you dragging me? Are you scared?" I teased.

Out on the lawn behind the school, Abony let my hand go. She turned and looked at me with sharp eyes. Her long jet-black hair attracted me, and Abony was only about my shoulder height.

"Can you keep a secret for me?" Abony softened her voice.

"Keep secret? What's the matter?" I asked as my eyebrows raised.

"That's how I dropped out of school." Abony rolled her eyes in the other way.

"But why did you do that?" I asked.

"Um... I worked part-time during tutoring times." Abony spoke as her eyes glued to the land.

"WHAT?!! Are you crazy?" I jumped up.

"Respect we used to be friends. Please help me this time. If my father finds out, I will die." She said with pleading eyes.

"You're scared, but you still do it?" I really couldn't refuse. Pausing for a moment, I continued, "Alright, but I can't hold out for long. You'd better hurry back to school."

"Thank you. You've paid me back my childhood debt. From now on we owe no one." The lovely glittering eyes suddenly changed into the cold everyday eyes, Abony replied.

She left behind the faint scent of perfume while the words pierced my heart like a knife. I stood silently, remembering the story of my childhood. When I was in elementary school, I was a shy boy, so I could not make friends with anyone in my class. Then one day, Abony appeared...

"Hello everyone, my name is Abony. I'm a new student transfer."


Abony's POV.

Austin, that bastard, I never thought I'd begged him one day. I still had not forgotten the cowardice he did as a child. He betrayed our friendship. The memory of the past when I was a seven-year-old kid. After my whole family moved to Wind town, I transferred to Wind Village primary school.


"So sad. Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! Why? Why so?" I lowered my head to the table before darkness enveloped my surroundings.

Playtime, you guys had fun laughing together. As for me, sitting at my desk, was strange for a new transfer student like me. I wished class never ended and recess never came. Loneliness devours the fragile heart of a seven-year-old.

"Hi. I'm Austin, can we be friends?"

A deep voice from a boy. I could not believe my ears, he greeted me, unbelievable! I stood up, looking straight into his smiling eyes.

"Hi... I... I- m..."

Tried to stop the tears from coming out because it would be embarrassing to cry, I turned to the window where the position was opposite to Austin's vision.

"You're Abony, aren't you? I heard you introduce it before." Pulling my hand outside to play, Austin laughed out loud.

We played sandcastle building and the husband and wife games. We gradually became close, until one day...

"Hey, city girl."

A little girl with a pompous face, a fat body, and a disheveled dress looked at me. She opened the bark of the lollipop tree and put it in her mouth. Brisked, the other two with sly faces stood behind. Calming, I kept walking after the fat girl began to lose patience. She rushed to grab my hair.

"Are you insane?" Cried out in pain, I asked.

"You brat, do you think you're a city dweller. So you brazenly talk to us?" Without saying a second word, they rushed to beat me up.

I tried to fight back, but because three hit one, I could not resist. My hands kept swinging wildly. I hit whoever I could hit. No matter what, determined to fight to the end. After a flash of light in the sunset, I saw Austin. He was here. He would save me.

"Austin, help me... Help..."

Tightened his hand, Austin wanted to come forward to save me. Step by step, but I did not know why he stopped. Austin did not come... He was afraid... He turned and ran away, leaving behind my despairing eyes and my screams touching through the sky.

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