Time was so slow, she wanted to be finished with this. Her eyes went to the open window that looked out at the corridor, and she was stuck there like a dead human.

Abhay stood their leaning his back, against the opposite wall, his lip pulled up in a teasing smirk, while his eyes spoke playfulness.

Oh!!! God!!!!

Misha shivered by his gaze, the most scarry shade, she had encountered in her life.

Soon, the bell rang and teacher exited the class.

Abhay stood straight and entered the class before anyone could exit.

Kabir who was sitting at the second last bench beside T, looked up as class felt shut.

He didn't believed bis eyes, as he looked at his old nemesis.

Abbay stood on the centre facing them all, his face devoid of any expression, except for business.

" Jeh Khurrana. Where is he?! ", his eyebrows raised up in a question.

Seconds ticked away, " He must be in a football field. "

Abhay smiled, a fake genuine one.

" Thanks, Angad. See you all, later. ", and be exited, leaving behind an attractive whiff of cologne.

The girls fanned themselves, " He has become, hottt!!! "

" I hope, he gives some attention to me, except all to Piya. I mean she has also changed, into more exquisite thing. ", one said, from the back not knowing that Misha was still present, in the class.

" You can have his all. ", Misha bellowed in annoyance.

Turning back, she met Kabir's eyes, " Let's go find Panchi, she has to know this. "

And she rushed out.

" Hey, you mean to say about, Abhay? Does Piya knows? ", Kabir caught up to her, leaving T behind.

" Yes, of course he met her, at midnight. ", Misha gritted irritatedly.

" Midnight?!!! "

" Later, I have to find Panchi. ", and they went out to search.

Panchi was with Zoya and others, in a music room, gathering instruments as they were going to practice music it today in open air below the shade, adjacent to the sports grounds.

" There is no drum stick Panchi! ", Zoya added.

" I think it will be in the sports room, sometimes they mistakenly place it their when they practice for the drill, at early mornings. ", Panchi explained. " Let's go check it, their. ", she moved her hair away, from her face and the big diamond ring, got tangled in her tresses.

It made her remember her foolishness and her throat reddened in anger.

They met Kabir and Misha on her way, and the later looked much stressed.

Misha approached Panchi, " Panchi- "

She cut her off, by showing her palm.
" I am not listening to your apology, Misha. Keep it to yourself, as you can never behave without your tardiness, and are always irresponsible. How can you be like that?!!! ", Panchi chastised her, without stopping and walking, while others followed her.

" But, it's not about that! Just listen to me once. ", they reached the football ground, and it was filled up with boys. Two teams playing opposite, and trying to score.

One team had a player, wearing sweatshirt and his hood over. He was chasing behind the other player of opposite team, stall the ball in a smart tactic, and kicked the ball from the other end of football field, which went curving into the net, scoring a goal.

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