Chapter - VII

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Night, before the couple of hours of dawn was calm, with soft drizzle and red sky. It was cold, but bearable.

The hall was lightened minimum for the residents of villa, as they were creatures of darkness, with unusual powers unknown humans, that they could easily see in darkness, even in absence of light. It was illuminated less, with one huge chandelier hanging in the middle of main hall.

Every corner was adorned with richly supplied artifacts of victorian or ancient era, whilst, soft and comfortable sofas and recliner in dark colours were spread at many place for lounging.

The floor had soft red velvet carpets.

It was designed in more elegant way, if compared to old Raichand Mansion.

Haseena sat in front of cackling hearth, sipping crimson blood from a glass goblet. Today, her mind was at unusual peace, all day along. She was quite surprised by her own mechanism, after the sunrise. Though, she was worrying looking at the weather of the evening, her mind was telling her to remain quite opposite.

Staring at the flames of fire, she took another sip, and heard the bell going on, once. Frowning, at the time when she checked it in the old grandfather clock, for the visitor at past midnight, she went to open the main door.

What she saw, was beyond her imagination.

Abhay stood there at the threshold of the main door, looking down in his arm at the unconscious for of Piya.

Haseena was overjoyed and didn't believed her eyes, at once.

" Chand!!! Abhay! Abhay is here. Come fast!!! ", she called for her husband.

Within seconds, he stood beside her.
She didn't left her gaze from her son's face. His face was pale. More gaunt then before, but his charm was still intact, quite heightened to degrees. His eyes, were more icy, more grey than blue, more intense than before, as if the demon residing in, dared you to look in.

Abhay met Haseena's gaze who was smiling at him. A genuine smile. His father looked relieved, than he had last seen him. But, the dripping joy and love from his mother's face, didn't go unnoticed by him.

Corners of Abhay's mouth lifted up. His smile was as genuine as the brightness of his thoughts but, Chand saw straight finding, the darkness which his son was unknown to. The sly demon that now lived in him.

" Abhay! ", stepping forward Haseena embraced him, unknown to the fact that she squeezed Piya, who was still unconscious.

" Umm", Piya moaned, resting more towards Abhay, on his shoulder and snaking her arms around his neck.

Haseena moved back, realizing her presence now, in her son's safe arms.
She caressed her face, with much adoration, for Piya looked too beautiful and naive, for her own good.

" Let's make her warm. Come. ", she gestured Abhay in.

And he followed his mother, behind.

All three, we're moving in the hallway, when Abhay asked, " Where is my room, mom? "

" At the second floor, why? ", she knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

" I am taking her their. ", he said, in much polite way.

" You want to? ", she asked. Abhay hadn't thought before, when he had answered her question, or questioned her about his chambers. It was this urge building up in him, which had no words or logic to explain his action, and it didn't allowed him to lay Piya other than his own room. Before this he had kept her quite, away from him, even if he had exclaimed his love for her, or gave her a bite. He wasn't selfish then. But now he wanted all. All of her.

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