Start from the beginning

Apart from that event, Fatespeaker hadn't said anything all term on the chats except occasionally announcing her visions at random times of day. It was pretty crazy - at least, Glory thought so.

"Clay!" Sunny cried, running forwards to greet their friends who were already there, dragging Glory along with her. "Riptide! Fatespeaker! Peril! Yay, it really is all of you!"

"Hey Sunny," Clay grinned. His brown eyes were warm as he hugged Sunny, who beamed back at him. "Hi Glory."

"Hey!" Riptide smiled warmly, while Peril gave a little wave.

"Hi." Glory sniffed slightly and sat down on the bench a little apart from everyone. She was grumpy that day because Kinkajou was sick, and Glory was worried about her adopted sister. Also, school was just so loud. Glory hated the noise.

Fatespeaker sat down beside Glory, looking excited. "Glory, I've had a vision!"

"Wonderful," Glory said sarcastically. "What this time?"

Fatespeaker didn't look deterred. "I saw that when Deathbringer comes up us he'll say, 'Hi Glory, did you miss me?' And you'll say - "

"Oh three moons!" Tsunami said, coming up behind them. "So Glory still hasn't admitted her affection for Deathbringer? Ugh, Sunny, we still have to try and ship them then."

"TSUNAMI!" Sunny yelped, rushing over to her. "How was your holiday to the beach?"

"Fine." Tsunami shrugged. Her gaze flicked to Riptide, who smiled back. Glory tried to hide her grin. Everyone knew about that ship.

"Hi Glory," said a new voice. "Did you miss me?"

Glory groaned as Deathbringer sat down beside her, grinning. He was a tall boy with black hair and a rakish grin that never seemed to leave his face. Glory swatted him with her maths book.

"I KNEW IT!" Fatespeaker crowed. "Deathbringer, I had a vision, and - "

"Nevermind that," Glory interrupted her. "Deathbringer, news flash: I hate you."

Sunny's mouth dropped open, horrified, and Tsunami rolled her eyes. Deathbringer stared at Glory in mock agony.

"How could you say that, my queen?" he said, pretending to look hurt. "I am in love with you, and I am quite positive you love me back."

"SHIP!" Tsunami yelled, and Glory went bright red with fury.

"Deathbringer!" Glory hissed. "JUST STIP FLIRTING WITH ME FOR TWO SECONDS."

"One, two," Deathbringer counted. "That's two seconds, my queen. May I begin flirting with you some more now?"

"I am not your queen!" Glory retorted. The rainbow haired girl stood up and stalked off slightly. "Oh, how have I even lived this long without killing you?"

"Thank you for letting your true love live!" Deathbringer called after her, and Glory almost stamped her foot.

"This ship had saaaaiiiiiled!" Tsunami sang. Glory considered going back to punch her in the arm. Or maybe Deathbringer. Or maybe both of them.

"It has SANK," Glory shouted back, deciding not to resort to punching them or she'd feel ridiculously guilty later.

"Hi Glory!" Starflight came up, pushing his glasses up his nose and he squinted at her slightly. His face lit up as his green gaze fell on someone nearby. "Hi Sunny!"

Sunny smiled at him. "Hello Starflight."

Glory smiled slightly - everyone also knew about the Sunnyflight ship as well as Ripnami, except, well, Sunny. She seemed completely oblivious to Starflight's crush on he, and Glory thought he'd probably never tell her at this rate.

Wings of Fire: Pyrrhia High (GLORYBRINGER)Where stories live. Discover now