Fire Coat

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Quirk: Fire Coat

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Fire

Ability - The user emits flames from all over their body. They can pick what areas but the user creates fire from every inch of skin. The user can't do much with the fire but if they slam a surface or a hit, a wave of fire launches off of them. The user can also make themselves fly by covering almost their entire body in fire, they follow the physics of fire as they fly higher in the air. The user also moves faster while flying compared to running. 

Combat Range: Close

Disadvantage/s: - The user can't emit fire from them if they are wet. 

- The user often becomes covered in soot and ash when they turn their quirk off.

Special Moves: Phoenix Dive - The user flies up high and turn their entire body into flames. They then dive down while coated in fire and when they hit the round, a huge wave of fire bursts out from them.

Hero/Villain Name ideas: Ember, Torch, Ash Crow

My Input (not necessary): A basic fire quirk that can do a but more things with their fire but lacks the range that other quirks have.

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