XVIII: Standing up

Start from the beginning

Chad's cheeks reddened in embarrassment, he moved closer again, Priscilla shift one foot back to keep her balanced while glaring up at him

"Suddenly all brave, now Priscilla?" He asked "Decided to talk back and impress you're little villain friend?"

She froze at the mention of Carlos as Chad looked over her shoulder to look at the white haired boy. He tutted disapprovingly while shaking his head, lowering it down at her

"I've got to say, Priscilla. You have poor choice in friends. If I were you, I most definitely wouldn't want to be friends with someone who would turn my loving dog or cat into mittens as soon as it gets cold. But hey, maybe you like that"

Priscilla eyes pricked with angry tears and he stepped back to Mal and Ben, pointing accusingly at the girl "you stole another girl's boyfriend"

"Hey, hey!" Interjected Ben but Chad puts his attention to Jay and Evie next, ignoring Ben "You," He pointed at Jay,  "enjoy hurting people. And you,"

His eyes gaze at Evie "You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater" Chad looked back at Doug with a smirk and gave him a satisfied nod. Doug just stood there, not knowing how to fix the situation

Evie had pulled out her mirror with a angry glare right at the Prince, "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" When she turned the mirror for all to see, it was Chad Charming's reflection

"What? Come on" He scoffed, slapping Evie's hand aside with some force making the girl stumble. For Jay that was the last straw, he lunged forward as soon as Chad made contact with the blue haired isle princess. Jay had a fistful of his shirt, forcing him to step backwards

"Back off, Chad. Alright?" He growled "Back off"

Everyone was moving all at once but Evie was faster, taking out a small perfume bottle from her purse to her hands and in an instant, a blue mist was sprayed into Chad's face. The blue cloud hadn't even disappeared before he slumped back and Doug had to catch him to keep Chad hitting the ground. Ben pulled Jay away as the other students surrounded the fainted boy

"Chad? Chad? Chad!" Called Audrey, her voice riding in a high pitch "Evie did something to Chad!"

Other mutters was heard as Evie was grabbing Mal's hand, tugging her away. The two girls glanced back at Priscilla and she gave them a nod

"Go on," She said softly to the girls "We'll take care of it" She stuttered a bit. The two nodded and took off, with Jay right behind. Priscilla then heard a quiet meow and turned around, looking down to see Rouge beside her and looked up at her, Carlos right behind. He looked in panic, looking back and forth from her and his running friends

"Priscilla I-"

"Just go with your friends," She told him with a assuring smile. She didn't want him to see her tears fall. They weren't from sadness just from anger and embarrassment "You should be with them. We've got it covered"

He scrunched his face, clearly not happy with the situation but did turn to follow his friends, he looked back one last time before vanishing. Priscilla now let the tears rolled down her cheeks as she went back to Ben's side. Ben looked like a lost boy instead of a Prince about to be king in a day

"I feared something like this would happen," sighed the king as he cleaned his glasses. Priscilla and Ben both towards the King and Queen

Ben licked his lips, quick to defend, "This isn't their fault!"

"Ben's right!" Chimed in the girl. The king looked at Ben with a stern look "No son, it's yours" Then he looked at the smaller girl with sympathetic look instead "and yours, Priscilla"

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