Chapter Two: Nina

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Chapter Two: Nina

The first day of senior year wasn’t that bad, I mean I suppose it helps that some of my teachers are part of my pack and I am guaranteed to pass but, oh well! It was currently time for pom practice and I was sitting inside the gym stretching alongside my team mates. My mind wouldn’t focus though, I kept checking the door every time it opened hoping to see Mike walk in or be waiting for me in the hall. No such luck.

“Sophie what are you looking at?” Brianna asked and cocked her head to the side. She was a senior this year too and one of my only human friends.

“Nothing! I was just bummed because Mike seems to be avoiding me.” I said and pouted. The smell of burnt hair escaped the locker room and my nose itched. I stood up slowly and checked to see who was missing from practice. Only the red headed freshman named Madison.

“I think Maddy needs help, I’m going to go check on her.” I said rolling my eyes. I jogged to the locker room only to find Maddy bawling her eyes out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked immediately and ran to her side. She blinked up at me with her big blue eyes and motioned to her long red hair. It went to her knees originally but now only one side reached that far, the curling iron had singed it so bad it had broken off. I smiled encouragingly and picked up a pair of scissors we used to trim hair or cut ribbon.

“Here, I’ll help.” I said softly and cut her hair to about the center of her back. While I was working on it I added some layers and bangs across the front of her head.

“Better?” I asked and she smiled and nodded.

“Thank you so much Sophie!” She squealed and I put one hand on her shoulder smiling. She picked up the curling iron and I quickly yanked it from her hands.

“Maddy, don’t curl your hair! The style I gave you makes you look perfect as long as you run a brush through it.” I said softly and she smiled with a blush crossing over her face.

“Thanks!” she beamed and ran out of the locker room, getting praises from the other girl. I unplugged the cheap curling iron and threw it in the trash. It seemed after she burnt her hair it had completely died, because it wasn’t hot anymore.

“That was a nice thing you did.” I heard a voice say from behind me and I spun around. Mike stood there smiling his cocky smile and his hands crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall. Just seeing him made my heart stop.

“Well I’m glad you think so, but I wasn’t looking for praises.” I said and arched one eyebrow, challenging him to say something.

“Of course not! I know you, you were simply doing it for the smile it would bring.” He said, his smile growing softer. I walked up to him slowly and he opened his arms, allowing me to step in for a hug. He held me tightly and ran his ringers through my hair.

“I was never avoiding you by the way, but I am glad you missed me.” He said kissing the top of my head. I groaned and slapped him on the chest teasingly.

“You eavesdropped!” I accused and he laughed

“Me? Never” He assured and looked into my eyes. From anyone else I would have taken it as a challenge, but the way he looked at me made my breathing stop. He had all of the emotions I had been hoping for in his eyes and he leaned down to kiss me. I got up on my tip toes to meet him half way. Just as our lips touched I woke up to a ruler slapping my desk. I jumped up and glowered at the teacher.

“Sophia do I need to give you detention on the second day of your final year of high school?” Mr. Labush asked and I smiled sweetly at him.

“Of course not! After all I would hate to have to take this as you challenging me. Never come that close to hitting me again or it will be your neck.” I said so only he could hear and fear spread over his features.

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