Chapter 10: the sacrifice

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Lucy's POV:

I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. I kept on thinking of Sydney and how she was crying when she came out of the tent. I turned to my side and saw a lion and a girl figure outside my tent. I immediately thought of Sydney and Aslan.
"Susan!" I whisper shouted waking her up. I threw the covers off of me and jumped up to grab a light cloak. I stepped outside and walked to the back with Susan behind me. I saw a lion and a girl. I knew it was Aslan and Sydney. I decided to follow them and Susan followed behind.
We hid behind the trees and we didn't want them to spot us. They were both walking with there heads down. We followed them more before they stopped in there tracks.
"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan asked sadly making us come out from behind the tree.
"We couldn't sleep." I said walking towards Aslan.
"Please Aslan couldn't we come with you?" Susan asked.
"I think we would love some company right now. Would you agree with my Sydney?" he asked her. We all looked to her.
"I think I would love some company. Dad, would you like me to transform into my true form?" she asked her dad. Her true form?
"Yes. I think that would be best." he said then all of the sudden Sydney turned into a lioness. Susan and I gasped. She looked beautiful in that form. Then we stared to walk I walked next to Aslan while Susan walked next to Sydney.
I was stroking Aslan and Susan was stroking Sydney. After a while of walking they stopped and turned to us. "It is time. From here, we must go alone." Aslan announced making me and Susan confused.
"But Aslan.." I said.
"You have to trust me. For this must be done." He then looked to Sydney, she then put her head down.
"Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy. And farewell." He said sadly before turning away and walking. Sydney stayed for a while.
"Thank you so much you two. I owe you everything. Tell Peter that I love him." Sydney tried to smile but I didn't really work. She turned away and followed her father. Susan put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a look that I couldn't read. She then turned and walked to the side I guess were gonna see where there going. What we saw worried us both

Sydney's POV:
I didn't want to leave them but I have to. I was doing this for Edmund, for his family, for Narnia. We saw fire near the Stone Table and we knew this was it. We walked in the middle of all the wargs and filthy creatures and they spread for me and my father. I took deep breaths trying to slow down my heart beat which was racing. It wasn't working.
Jadis then stepped onto the Stone Table and we knew this was it. This was the end. She had a dagger in her hand. I wasn't looking forward to this at all.
"Behold the great Lion and his daughter." Jadis announced making the creatures chatter. A big minotaur then walked up to us and came in between my father and I. He poked him making him growl he then pushed him over. Then two more minotaur's came and held him down. Wargs came and gagged and binded my paws together.
"Binf him!" Jadis shouted making the wargs move to my father. "But first shave him." she told the wargs. She was going to do it to my father first I guess. "Bring her to me" she said the wargs. They dragged me over to her they binded me down. "Now Aslan I want you to see you precious daughter die. Then you will die next." My heart broke knowing that my father was about to see something I knew he couldn't live with. I couldn't move. This was it.
Jadis waved her hand making her wargs shut up. All I could hear was my heart race faster and faster. The wargs started to make a drumming beat by hitting their staffs on the floor. They got louder as Jadis circled me. I felt her kneel down next to my face and stroke me.
"You know, Sydney, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think you could save the human traitor. You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love." She then stood up and addressed the crowd. "Tonight" she shouted. "The Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" The wargs and creatures cheered and the drumming beat got faster. "In that knowledge, despair" I looked at my father he had hi eyes shut so he couldn't see. I then noticed Susan and Lucy were hid behind a rock. Why? "And die!" A sharp pain then hit me, I then started to close my eyes and fall to sleep.
Lucy's POV:
The Witch stabbed Sydney then killed Aslan. No. This can't be happening. I started crying. Susan held me while I cried. I haven't known her that long but I trusted her. It's like she was my sister.
"The great Lion and Lioness is dead!" I heard echo. It made me cry even more. They were dead and we couldn't do anything to save them. We hid until they all left. I ran up to Sydney and hugged her and cried while Susan was hugging Aslan. I stroked her paw.
"Why" I mumbled. "Why!" I yelled.
"I don't know Lucy but, I think they did it to save Ed." Susan said. We both got up. Sydney and Aslan are gone.
We heard squeaking coming from behind us. We looked behind to see mice eating away at Sydney and Aslan's binds.
"Get away! All of you." Susan warned.
"No Susan." I said because I noticed what they were doing. I took of the bind on there mouths.
"We have to tell the others" Susan cried. The first person that came to my mind was Peter. He will be so mad and sad. Sydney and Peter have become very close I thought they would make a great couple.
"I'm not leaving them" I said quietly.
"Lucy there's no time. They need to know." I looked around and thought hard. Maybe. Just maybe there was another was we could tell the others with out leaving them.
"The trees" I said. I told them the message and they made there way to the camp the message was that Sydney and Aslan was dead. I didn't want to leave them neither did Susan. We wanted all the time we could have with them. Even though they were dead.
Peter's POV:
I was woken up by a gust of wind blown across my face. I reached and felt my cheek. I opened my eyes to see a figure made out of leaves from a tree. I jumped up quickly and held up my sword to it. I woke up Ed doing that.
"Be still, my princes" It spoke.
"I bring grave news from your sisters." I lowered my sword and listened. "The great lion and lioness is dead."I looked at her with a confuse face the great lioness. I knew that the great lion was Aslan.
"Who?" Edmund asked while sitting up.
"I sincerely apologize, Aslan and Sydney are dead." The woman said before the leaves flew away. No they can't be dead. Sydney can't be dead!
I just sat there is shock. Then I dropped my sword and stood up. I then ran out of the tent with so much anger. Edmund was yelling and shouting after me. But I ignored him. I went to the archery place. That's where she would go to throw her daggers and practice some of her magic. I walked up to the huge rock and started to punch and kick it. I couldn't keep her safe then I broke down and cried. I couldn't protect the girl who I loved, the girl who loved me.

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