madly in love part 9

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Xavier yelled this better be good as, Xavier Yanks open the bedroom door, there stood little Xavier's nanny with him in her arms. She said I think he's run a fever he's hot to the touch and he won't take his breast milk in the bottle and he's being very fussy. I walked over to her took little Xavier out of her arms as he was crying very badly I started singing to him and it made him stop crying.

I just kept singing to him while rocking him in my arms little Xavier fell asleep. I said I used to do this to him when he was in my tummy. Xavier and the nanny both looked at me all I could see in Xavier's eyes was love and a lot of it. I was so shocked at seeing that in his eyes I handed little Xavier to his nanny and fainted right there I felt silly after Xavier carried me to the bed and laid me down right after that I eyes opened. I said what happened?

Xavier said,"I don't think you've had enough rest, my love". I said," oh". Xavier said," my love I would like you to take a pee test see test before any of the doctors find out if you are. I said okay when should I do this. He said after you feel like you can walk on your own and drink some orange juice just in case.

I said okay where's the orange juice. He said let me go get it I will be right back don't get up or anything until then. I said okay I will stay right here he kisses me on the lips then he walked out of the bedroom door. I felt very alone after that.

I didn't know what to do because of never been a long before it was very scary for me for a couple of minutes. Shortly later Xavier comes back with a glass of orange juice he then handed to me very slowly. He never takes his hands off of the glass he says just in case you can't hold it. I say okay as I take a couple of sips of the orange juice.

I say, Xavier I want to take the pregnancy test now, It's starting to bother me. He says okay my love is in the bathroom waiting for you. I said okay as these help me into the bathroom. He says if you need my help I'm right here I won't go anywhere. I said okay Xavier I think I can do this on my own right now. He said okay as he walked out the bathroom door and closes it.

I reach for the pregnancy test that was on the bathroom counter, I opened it up and read the directions and did everything it said. It said I could get pregnant right after giving birth. Which wasn't good for me. It said I could tell if I was pregnant right away.

I Pee on the pregnancy test stick. Five minutes later, I thought it was very thoughtful of Xavier to give me a pregnancy test. I was too scared to look at the test. So yell for Xavier. Xavier says what all my love?

I said I'm too scared to read what it says we you please read it. Xavier read it the next thing I knew he flew me up into his arms and twirled me around in circles. He said, my love, you just made them meet the happiest guy in the world. I said I did how?

He says I'm going to be a dad to my own kid. Thank God he was holding me or I would have fallen down. I was very scared now because I didn't want Xavier to do to me what little Xavier's dad did to me. After that, I yelled but go of me, Xavier.

Xavier says what's wrong my love? I said you're not going to want to marry me I'm going to look fat and ugly to you. He said why do you think I'm going to do that? I said that's what little Xavier's father did to me some all men are going to do that to me.

Xavier said, my love, I'm never going to do that I'm still going to marry you and your still and always will be the sexiest attractive woman I've ever seen. I will never seem to get enough of you so come back here and let me show you. So I walked back to him very slowly because I didn't know if what he said was true.

It really scared me I didn't want to be alone and now with two children. It took me by both my hands and had me wrapped them around his neck. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips and put his hands right on my belly and said I'm never going to leave you I want to watch your belly grow with my child or children.

I then started crying because I've never had anyone love me the way Xavier was. I then thought to myself is this? The way little Xavier's father treated me like. I said yes this is what true love is. I'm really in love with Xavier I cannot see myself with any other guy.

I want to give him all the children he has ever wanted or even thought of. I said I love you Xavier thanks for showing me, true love. He says no problem my love our love is true what you had with little Xavier's father was not love that was just lust. It said I think I know that now Xavier.

Back then I thought it was love. Now I see it was just lust. Xavier helped me out of the bathroom and put me on the bed. He says my love to you mind if I keep the home pregnancy test? Want to frame it. I said I don't mind you can do whatever you want with it.

Really later while Xavier goes and finds the picture frame for the pregnancy test. There's a knock at the door little Xavier's nanny and is all out of breastmilk. He needs to be fed she says as she's handing little Xavier to me. And walks out the door shutting it behind her.

I pulled up my blouse and last little Xavier to my right breast. I start feeding him wonder if this is good for the other baby or babies. While I was feeding little Xavier, Xavier walks back into the bedroom.

Xavier sees both my breast exposed. He walks over to the bed where little Xavier and I are at. It looks down at my breasts with hunger in his eyes. Xavier licks his lips and says my love, can I eat to. I said what you want to eat?

He said I like what little Xavier has as he's bending down to the opposite breast that little Xavier's on. He is at my breast now sucking the nipple of my breast in his mouth. This is turning me on so much. I look and notice little Xavier's asleep so lay him down on the bed.

I bring Xavier's bed to my mouth I start French kissing him. Xavier yells to the nanny to come and get little Xavier and put them in his own bed. She comes running into the bedroom rubs little Xavier off the bed. She says sorry boss but he needed feed I was all out of breast milk.

Xavier says go out for a while I'll get you some more. She walks out with little Xavier in her arms and chests the door behind her. Xavier walks back over to me an says my love now where were we? I start kissing Xavier on the lips he turns it into French kissing me. I lean back on the pillow on the bed.

While Xavier is still french kissing me 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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