tutoring - chapter 3

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i miss youuu :)

well i dont

i know you do

shut up

awe! you do miss me!!


ily babe <3

it was lunch time. after that group chat with 1a and 1b, both classes had actually became somewhat friends. monoma still makes a bunch of rude comments but some of those comments just comes off as a joke.

y/n, monoma, kamanari, terushima, bakugo, kendo, pony, and mina were all sitting together.

"um- monoma-" y/n tried to say.

"yeah? whats up?" he cut off in a gentle tone

y/n started fiddling with her gummy snacks, she didnt buy any lunch because she wasnt hungry or anything. monoma thought that this was the day y/n will proclaim her love for the blondie!

"okay well monoma... i need a bit of tutoring in english.." y/n said.

that got monoma's hopes a bit down.

kamanari looked confused, "dont you already have an A in english?" he asked.

"yeah but i have an 80 in it, it's almost close to a B" y/n explained.

kamanari looked confused, "but you still have an A" he said.

"monoma, please just tutor me.." y/n asked.

monoma thought about it, it'll give him an excuse to get closer to y/n and get to know her better, so why not?

"sure thing darling!" he exclaimed.

'didnt he call the anonymous part of me darling..?' y/n thought, "do you just call everyone darling..?" y/n asked.

neito shook his head, "not everyone, only two people" he said, which was true but at the same time not true because y/n and the anonymous person are the same person...?

"are you two FINALLY together?" pony asked.

y/n shook her head, "no? and what do you mean finally..?" y/n asked.

"well, monoma has this HU-" before tetsutetsu could finish his sentence monoma shut him up by coveting tetsutetsu's mouth.

"we should go to the beach!" mina suggested.

kamanari looked at y/n, he knew what happened last time the two of them went to the beach..

"yeah lets go!!" y/n said.

"are you sure y/n..? like- what if something happens again? you dont even have a swimsuit!!" kamanari said.

"it's fine! i'll stay on the shore or something!" y/n said.

"wait- y/n cant swim..?" monoma asked.

both kamanari and y/n shook their heads, "I KNOW HOW TO SWIM!" y/n said.

"let's go to the mall after school tomorrow to buy swimming stuff after school then on saturday lets go to the beach!" mina said.


y/n and monoma stayed behind at the library to  talk about english. there was an excluded area at the corner of the library that was covered by books, there was a table and for chairs on each side and a window looking out to an actual great view.

monoma was on one side and y/n was across from him and their knees were touching making y/n blush a bit. everything was perfect, even the lighting since it was golden hour.

monoma showed y/n a sentence and started telling her everything wrong with it, of course it was something that would be hard to spot because y/n had an A in english.

"so, you add a comma instead of a period" monoma said.

y/n did what he said, it made more sense to her now!! y/n was happy that she could understand english more, so happy she could even kiss monoma..

"ohh that's because it's still part of the sentence!" y/n said, he nodded.

"yeah! you're getting the hang of it!" he said.

monoma and y/n tried to grab the same pencil but they ended up touching hands, that little touch make both of them blush.

"sorry!" y/n said.

monoma chuckled a bit and rested his head on his hand and was smiling like he was inlove with y/n. the blondie looked at the window then at y/n and smiled, "the view is beautiful" he said.

y/n looked out side, "yeah.. it is.." she said and smiled.

monoma's smile grew a bit bigger, "no, not that one.. the one infront of me~!" monoma said.

y/n blushed, "i.. you-"

monoma nodded and cupped y/n's face, then he placed a kiss on y/n's forehead, everything about this moment was just magical

"i should go now! thank you!" y/n said, grabbing her stuff and put it in her back pack.

monoma grabbed y/n's wrist, "y/n wait... i wanna walk you home" monoma said.

"are you sure..?" y/n asked.

he nodded his head.

soon they got to y/n's big home. y/n opened the door to see her mother and father standing there at the door.

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