28 ━ The Burden of a Jounin

Start from the beginning

"That was the fuinjutsu ... I think." said Izumi.

"That looked like fuinjutsu to me." spoke Minato, who suddenly stood beside the two.

"Sensei!" spoke Izumi, startled by his appearance. "Hello."

"Nice seeing you here, Izumi," Minato's eyes wandered down to the bracelet his student held, mischief glinting in them. "What is that I see?"

Izumi suppressed a groan at his obvious tease.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the interaction. "It's a gift I got from Izumi for becoming a Jounin."

"I see," Minato nodded in understanding, though the way he looked at the object indicated that he had already seen it once. "What a thoughtful gift."

What is his goal?

"I tried." said Izumi, sending Kakashi a small smile.

"Is that fuinjutsu I see? How prepared you are. Impressive."

"Again, I tried."

"I don't think my gift for Kakashi can compare with something so personal."

Izumi sent the blond man a pointed look. "I'm sure you got something nice too, sensei."

Minato shook his head. "Nothing that can compare."

"What do you need, sensei?" Kakashi successfully interrupted the man's teasing, allowing Izumi to breathe out in relief.

"Right," Minato cleared his throat. "We have to leave on the mission now, so you better say goodbye."

Kakashi frowned slightly. "Obito isn't even here yet."

"I'm sure he will be here soon."

"I wouldn't want to hold you up on your first mission as a Jounin," said Izumi. "So I better get going yet. I'll see you once you get back."

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "I'll see you later, Izu." He smiled underneath his mask. He turned around to inspect what his teammates were doing and once he saw none of the attention was on him all for his sensei's, he went ahead and gave Izumi a quick hug, wrapping his arm with the bracelet around her shoulder for a moment before letting go again

Minato looked away for the moment and once they separated, he took this as a sign to lead his student away to join his teammates. The man did so not without throwing a quick wink across his shoulder at the brunette, teasing her worldlessly.

"Damn it, sensei."

Izumi turned on her heel with pink cheeks, ready to go train with her own team.

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WHEN IZUMI HAD HEARD THAT TEAM MINATO HAD RETURNED FROM THEIR MISSION BY KANABI BRIDGE, she sprinted towards the gates of Konoha, ready to welcome her best friend back from his first mission as a Jounin. She desperately hoped that the mission was a success not only for the silver-haired but also his team's. Especially due to its known importance for the war, Izumi could only hope that they succeeded.

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