In the middle of the event, one of Lucas's friends went to get us all drinks and he was friendly with me.

"So what's your name? Lucas never talked about you," he said taking a seat beside me on the other side after handing over the drinks to everyone.

"Um...I am Deva," I said with a shy smile sipping my drink. I didn't know how to act when a guy from my senior class approached me suddenly.

"I am Felix," He held out his hand with a welcoming smile. But before I could grab his hand in return, Lucas called him to his side and whispered something to him.

Felix's smile faded away as he listened to Lucas and he gave me one last look before turning away. He never looked my way or talked to me till the end after that.

"What did you say to him?" I asked Lucas.

"I said what I had to. He was interested in something mine." He said nonchalantly.

"He was just being friendly." I defended his friend.

"Yeah and you liked it, didn't you?" he asked me with a glare. "I am your boyfriend and you are flirting with my friend in front of me." he continued gritting his teeth like he was controlling himself not to yell.

I was surprised at Lucas's behaviour that night and hurt by his words. I've never seen this side of Lucas before and I was surprised. I should've noticed the signs that night, but I didn't. I thought he was just jealous like any other boyfriend. But I didn't just keep my mouth shut, though.

"Yeah, and I am your girlfriend but you hardly spoke ten words to me since the evening before all this." I spat in anger. "Why did you even want me to sit with you if you wanna have fun with your friends?" I said and walked away to sit with Nyra and Simon without looking back.

My mood was sour the entire night and I couldn't enjoy that night completely until I saw that mysterious elevator guy on the stage getting ready to perform. His hair was combed back with a headband, and he trimmed his beard short. I could see his face clearly this time. He was more handsome than before maybe because that time he looked tired and sweating all over but either way, he eluded charm in every aspect. He styled his moustache giving its end a twist upwards which gave him this tough, masculine, Spartan look. The smirk that was plastered constantly at the corner of his lips under his moustache told me that he was enjoying every second of it all.

 The smirk that was plastered constantly at the corner of his lips under his moustache told me that he was enjoying every second of it all

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He danced partnering with a girl and a couple of guys as their backup dancers. When the music was on and their bodies started to move, the entire stadium went alive even though they were tired and a bit bored by the previous performances. I realized that those guys must have been well-known on the campus.

Suddenly the place was filled with chaos like it was hit by a storm

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Suddenly the place was filled with chaos like it was hit by a storm. He was the storm and we were just mere dust particles trapped in his charm and moved as he wished. I saw girls waving, screaming at him, and squealing his name. I even heard some girls fighting each other saying that he belonged to them. Even Simon was excited saying that he was the boy that he had a crush on. Why wasn't I surprised? I was annoyed by all of the attention he got from the girls and the boys. I missed most of his performance just by listening to everyone around me talking about him. I was annoyed or maybe I was feeling possessive but then it is impossible to feel possessive over some stranger who you don't even know, right?

When all the performances ended, we were told to get our dinner in the buffet. The performers were given preference so the line in the buffet stopped moving once in a while when people just went to the front to get food. I was standing in line with Nyra and Simon behind me when the elevator guy walked passed me with his troop. The girl who was his dance partner walked with him hooking their arms making me more annoyed.

When he crossed me again with his plate filled with food followed by his friends I did something impulsive.

"Hey," before even I think words escaped my mouth. I only realized my mistake when the people around us looked at me like I grew horns for calling him.

One thing I hated in this world was gaining attention. That's why no one knew about my little secret hobby of dancing. I just wanted to congratulate him for dancing so well but I didn't think I would draw attention to myself just for calling him.

Nyra pressed a hand on my shoulder from behind as he looked at me with a questioning look. I was so nervous that I forgot why I called him. Only after Nyra had nudged me again, did I come to my senses. He was patiently waiting for me to talk but he got a bit annoyed as the wait extended. I think I also noticed a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"I ... I just wanted to say that you... you guys were awesome... on the stage." I managed to say it pointing in the stage's direction.

He blinked and sighed like what I said was nothing new to him. I am sure it wasn't and somehow his expression made me feel embarrassed for even saying it. He must have thought that I was one of those crazy girls who threw herself at him.

I bit my lips in embarrassment and turned away when he started walking away carelessly with the food without saying anything.

"Thank you," I raised my eyes hearing someone. I saw the girl with him standing there with a sweet smile with the other two guys standing behind her. "He appreciates it. He just doesn't show it," she spoke for him, and then with a nod, they all walked away together. At least his friends have some manners!

"Don't mind him. He always acts like he is above us. He is a d*ck." I heard Lucas as he joined me sliding his hand around my shoulder. He muttered a 'sorry' for his behaviour that evening, and I just let it go. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Lucas that night.

"Somehow it makes him look hotter," Simon commented earning a glare from all of us.

"What's his name? Is he in your class?" I asked Lucas sounding annoyed. But I was more curious.

"Yeah, unfortunately, he is my classmate." He said glancing at the far image of that guy. "His name is Aryan." He said.

"Aryan," I repeated whispering it to myself looking at him who was having fun with his friends while eating.

As he heard me his eyes suddenly darted to me and stayed in place for a second before looking away. I don't know if it was my imagination but I think he smiled at me.


Enjoy Reading -T

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