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8 years ago,

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8 years ago,

I was packing my things urgently throwing things into my carrier which was on my bed. Some clothes went in, some were just hanging half outside and some just went straight where it was not supposed to go. My bed was a mess. My flight to the Philippines was in 4 hours, but I wasn't sure I would be able to go until an hour ago so I didn't bother packing at all.

I am Aryan Whitlock and I have another name, Ax, which is probably better known in the outside world than the other one. People who know me as Aryan, know me as the ostentatious, prodigal son of the entrepreneurs, Mr. Krish and Mrs. Smitha, who own the Whitlock enterprises in Malaysia. But a few people who know me as Ax, know me as someone good at executing things without an error and carrying out orders of my superiors without thinking twice. I was a perfectionist, and I don't let my emotions interfere when I am at the job and that makes me a perfect killing machine, the quality my mother appreciated very much.

My great grandfather when he came to Kuala Lumpur looking for a job to support his family in India, joined a gang that was, at that time, fighting against the inhumane, unjust things that happened to migrated tamil people

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My great grandfather when he came to Kuala Lumpur looking for a job to support his family in India, joined a gang that was, at that time, fighting against the inhumane, unjust things that happened to migrated tamil people. They were treated as slaves, underpaid, and underestimated by the natives. Some people stood against them and finally raised their voices, but some opted for violence and my great-grandfather was one of them.

He always believed violence is the answer to violence, no matter what cause you are fighting for. He used to say if someone slapped you on the cheek then don't wait for them to slap on another one, take their hand so that they won't even think of touching you again. Yeah, I know... He is cruel in many ways, but I always thought he's got a point. He fought for his people although there were so many controversies about the path he took. I would do the same if someone touched what I treasured the most. For him, he treasured his people. He gave them hope and support in all the ways he could.

Due to his diligence and his passion for the cause, he became the next leader of that gang after the first one died. As years passed by, he expanded it beyond Malaysia making connections with various other mafia gangs all over the world. He was involved in the weapons business and started to import and export them illegally. It went on for generations. But that was only behind the scenes and we needed a perfect cover to stay low in the eyes of the government.

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