Simmons: Hey, Sarge?

South: Is he ok?

Sarge: Yeah?

Simmons: I think he's down already.

Sarge: Oh, right.

Grif: Owwww..........

Alex: Welp he's still alive.

Sarge: (laughs) Simmons, you are observant!

Cut to Caboose sneaking around the downed Pelican

Caboose: There you are.

Will walks over and Delta appears 

Delta: Caboose we need to go.

Will: I think Grif died I may have to make a second grave.

Cut back to the Reds

Sarge: Hot ham and cheese, the power's back on.

Simmons: Um, I think Grif is broken, Sir.

Alex: I think he's alive.

Sarge: Sad. I always thought I would be the cause of Grif's death. Ah well fuck it.

Simmons: Yeah, fuck it.

Sarge: Let's call Lopez, and tell him we've got power. Robots love that stuff.

South: I'll see if Grif's ok.

Simmons: And oil.

Sarge: Stop helping me.

Radio sounds

Sarge: Come in Lopez, señor Lopez, come in. This is Sergeant-

Lopez: [Hello? This is Blood Gulch Canyon, Lopez speaking.]

Sarge: Lopez, it's Sarge. Que paso. Whatya doin'? ...Lopez?

Lopez: [Uhhh... Sorry I couldn't come to the phone. Please leave me a message and I'll...]

Sarge: Eh, heh heh. Lopez, you old kidder. Cut it out.

Lopez: [ you back as soon as I am able.]

Sarge: Haha, seriously program, disable lying mode voice verification Bravo niner.

Lopez: [COMMAND ACCEPTED...OK. What do you want?]

Sarge: I need you at the new base on the double.

Lopez:  [Why?]

Sarge: We got power. Need your help building something awesome. You busy?

Lopez: [Actually. Not really. I just killed that girl over at Blue Base. So I'm all wrapped up here. We won by the way.]

Sarge: Great! Hey Simmons, we won Blood Gulch.

Alex: So Sister is dead?

Simmons: Oh, cool. Suck it Blue.

Sarge: Oh, and tell Grif his sister's dead.

Simmons: Yes sir! Wait, what?

Lopez: .[OK I guess I can be right there.]

Sarge: Great, we'll see you soon. I'll forward you some blueprints of what we've been workin' on.

Grif wakes up and moans and South helps him up

Grif: (weakly) What happened?

Sarge: Grif, you're awake, good. Lopez is coming here, I need you to stay out of the way.

Red vs Blue recreation male ocWhere stories live. Discover now