8. The mission that went south

Start from the beginning

"It's okay. Just stay out of my business now. And that's by helping me." I said, and ran upstairs and slammed the door right in front of his face. I felt a bit guilty of doing that but I just couldn't do it. Being stopped by him. I had to focus on my objective. 


Yelena's POV

I had got Natalya out of the very cramped cell room.

"Why did you want me to come and be with you on an objective?"

"Because I know that you're ready for it." I said, averting her gaze.

'That still doesn't explain why you sent me on that. You know that I might screw up."

"With me here, no." To be honest, it was counting on how I get her out of the Room.

"We're here." The pilot said, and opened the back door.

"Uh... how are we getting out of the helicopter?"

"The obvious way." I said, and grabbed a parachute and handed her one.

"Great. We're jumping. And hopefully I won't break some bones."

"You won't. Is it your first time?"

"Well, yeah. Of course. How do you expect a kid to jump out of a helicopter?"

"Never mind. Hope that you survive. Just follow me." I said, and the lights turned red.

"Ready to deploy in five seconds." I said to her.

"Oh my god, this really is happening." She said, and I jumped first into the clouds of moisture.

"Come on! It's fun!" I yelled down up onto the copter. She looked down, uncertain."

"Now or never! Kid!"

"All right." She said, closing her eyes and jumped off. The back doors closed behind her.

She found herself freefalling. I stretched out my four limbs and started to glide like a possum, waiting for her.

"This is so thrilling. Just forget what I said before."

"Yeah. I told you so."

"And don't deploy at the wrong time, too early, you'll never see land, and too late, splat, sphagetti bolognese for lunch."

"That is a creepy metaphor."

"That was what my mentors said for the first time when I did this."

"Oh." She said, and the monitors for my oxygen mask told me that I was losing altitude quickly.

"Get ready to deploy. Any time now." I said, looking at her.

"Yeah, sure." Her voice was trembling.

"Just be brave. This is the hardest part." Also the part where most people die.

"Deploy. Deploy! DEPLOY!!" My mask screamed at me, and I tugged at the strings to my parachute, only to find that it was jammed. Lucky for safety designs. I had put my secondary parachute as my main and tugged it just right on time before I landed splat on the pavement as bird food in Manhattan.

She tugged on her ropes with great difficulty. She was a kid, after all.

"Now or never!" I yelled up towards her.

"I'm trying." She yelled back in exasperation. And finally, she got the ropes sorted out and tugged on it. I was never so relieved. The boss would not kill me.

"So... where are we going to go?" She asked me, once we landed on the pavement in an alley.

"That was fun, did you think? And we have to go to this address."

"Easy. Call an Uber."

"What's an Uber?" I asked.

"You never heard of an Uber?" She asked, thinking that I was impossible.

"Yeah, I'm from Russia."

"And I don't know where I'm from but I just know what an Uber is. Weird, huh?"

"Yeah." She flagged down a car on the ground. Surprisingly it stopped.

"Is it your car?"

"No, I hired one with my phone."

"This is impossible."

"Come on, get on." She said, ignoring my complaints.

"To this address. ASAP. I'll rate yuou a five star and give you $10 more."

"Yes madam."


Natalya's POV

Lena completely ignored the exsistence of an Uber in the city. I guess that she has never been in New York before. And so haven't I. But why did I know? That's a question for another day.

After a bumpy ride, we arrived at the address.

"Is that it?" She asked. I was too busy gawking at the architecture. Whoever designed this, he or she had taste.

"Yes. This is the location."

"Where is he? The target?"

"He's inside I guess?"

"Maybe." I said, dashing in. But I didn't get too far due to the fact that when I was about to step in, someone in a hood appeared out of nowhere and started attacking me. Then they called for reinforcements and I knew that we were dead meat. Two against fifty, simple mathematics could tell that we were seriously outgunned.

Sooner than I know, someone put a black hood over me and shoved me into a van. I knew that I was about to die.

✧★⭒° 𝑅𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒 ✧★⭒° (A Yelena x sister fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now