Chapter 26

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The next day, due to Kelley's prank from the other day...

"We should've known that Kelley's next prank was going to be in our dormitory hallway." said Nora, as she and the other girls were practicing in the rain. "And now, thanks to her WE'RE PRACTICING IN THE RAIN!!!"

"Keep your voice down!" said Nyla, as she tells Nora. "or, you'll make it a lot worse!"

"Woman, please. Coach Sloan is standing inside of a tent, all dry and warm, while we're practicing in the cold and wet rain!" said Nora, as she snaps at Nyla. "we're drench!"

Just then, Gia then sneezes.

"Bless you." said the team, as they tell Gia.

"Thank you." said Gia, as she looked at the girls.

"Hey, it's not our fault. That, and we shouldn't be punished." said Addison, as she looked around at the girls.

"Yeah, and at least it's not raining with thunder." said Sienna, as she admits to them.

"True." said Clara, as she and the other girls agreed.

A few minutes later...

"Don't worry girls, I already have a plan, coming in handy. However, I will need a little help from some of you, in order to get the plans going." said Nora, as smirks.

"Nora, please." said Maire, as she tries to get the girls to understand. "We shouldn't be pranking each other."

Coach Sloan, who was listening to both Maire and Nora's conversation, starts to yell.

"HERNANDEZ!" yelled Coach Sloan, as she walked over to Maire. "Due to what I just heard about what you said, right now! I'm dismissing you early from practice!"

"Lucky." said Nora, as she mumbled.

"No, not lucky, because you'll be lifting some weights in the weight room!" said Coach Sloan, as she yells at Maire.

"Uh, no thanks, I would rather stay here." said Maire, as she admits to Coach Sloan.

"That was an order, not a suggestion! Now, get moving!" said Coach Sloan, as she angrily tells Maire, who started to walk away from Coach Sloan and the team. "And maybe that will teach you, for defending the enemy."

A few minutes later, Maire enters the weight room and sees that Coach Sloan left her a note, saying that she has to wear a weight vest.

Maire then sighs...

"Orders are orders." said Maire, as she tells herself.

Maire then puts on the weight vest and starts to lift 8lb weights.

While lifting 8lb weights, Maire's 8lb weight from her left hand slips out of her hand, in which she tries to grab it in thin air before it hits the floor. While doing so, Maire does manage to get the 8lb weight, however she is too late since it already hits her on the side of her left knee.

"GAH!" yelled Maire, in pain.

After getting hit, Maire then sits down after feeling the pain on the side of her left knee.

"DANG IT!" yelled Maire, as she hugged her left knee, while she was sitting down. "Urgh!"

Maire then holds in the pain, puts the 8lb back on its rack, and later takes off her weight vest and puts it back.

"Urgh!" said Maire, again. "Come on, Maire. Just walk it off! Urgh, this hurts so bad! Urgh!"

Maire then limps to her stuff, takes it and walks out of the door.

After stepping out of the weight room, Maire then sees Carli, Rose, Crystal, Lynn, Christen, and Juile, walking towards her.

"Oh, great!" said Maire, in disappointment, as she thought. "Come on, Five. Try to act normal. Oww!"

"Hey look, it's Five!" said Lynn, cheerfully. "Hey Five. what's new?"

"Oh nothing." said Maire, as she tells Lynn and the girls. "You know, just the usual."

"Nice." said Crystal, as she smiled.

"Yeah, the usual besides a 8lb weight falling on your left knee, and is probably going to leave a massive bruise." said Maire, in her thoughts.

"Uh, Maire." said Christen, as she snapped Maire out of her thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine." said Maire, as she started to walk a step while trying hard not to limp in front of the girls.

Carli, Rose, Crystal, Lynn, Christen, and Juile, all gave Maire a confused look.

"Are you sure, because right now it looks like you're walking like an injured superhero." said Juile, as she tells Maire.

"Oh that, yeah I'm a little sore right now." said Maire, as she tells the girls. "I was in the weight room right now."

"By yourself?" said Carli, as she asked Maire.

"Yeah." said Maire, as she nodded.

"That's dangerous, you shouldn't have done that." said Rose, as she and the other girls gave Maire a worried look. "You could have gotten hurt, or worse."

"Already did." said Maire, in her thoughts.

"Maire, if you're in the weight room by yourself, it's better for you to go along with a buddy or a friend." said Christen, as the other girls agree with her.

"Yeah, I know." said Maire, as she tells them.

"Hey, where's your dog?" said Rose, as she asked Maire.

"He's in my dormitory room. It's pouring rain outside, and I didn't want him to get wet, so I left him there." said Maire, as she tells the girls.

"Oh." said Rose

"Yup." said Maire

After talking with the girls, Maire along with Carli, Rose, Crystal, Lynn, Christen, and Juile, then leave their separate ways, as the girls head to the weight room.

As Maire finally arrives at her dormitory room, she looks at Axel who knows that she isn't alright in which he whimpers, after she sat on the side of the bed close to the sliding door.

"Urgh." said Maire, as she rolled down her sock, while feeling the pain from her knee still hurting.

Maire then sees as the side of her left knee has a red bruise on the side of her left knee, and watches as her knee starts to swell.

Maire then looks back at Axel.

"You're right bud, I'm hurt." said Maire, as she tells Axel, who leans on her close to her and whimpers.

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