9. Mysterious boy

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Several days after our talk with Cedric, I spent more time with the Slytherins as I wasn't entirely comfortable with our situation. We were all in the Slytherin common room, joking around after classes. 

"Fuck, that was hilarious." Theo sighed as he leaned his back on the couch next to me. 

"By the way, Audrey, you never told us what happened between you and Cedric." Blaise noticed.

"Well, I don't think it's any of your business, but if you really must know, we called it off," I responded. 

"Bullshit." I heard Malfoy say.

I snapped my neck to look at him, tired of his remarks. "What did you say?" 

He leaned closer to me and whispered in an insufferable voice, "I said bullshit." Instead of feeding to his argument, I only glared at him. "You mean he called it off," Malfoy added. 

"What's your problem?" I demanded, finally having enough of his remarks.

"You." He raised his brows. 

"Just fuck off, Malfoy," I said, tired of his childish attitude. 

"Hey, easy. Draco, stop teasing her, and Audrey, ignore him." Theo said, easing up the tension. 

"I'm going to bed; it's getting late. Audrey, are you coming ?" Daphne asked. 

"Yeah." I stood up on my feet to join her before looking back. "Pansy?"

"Oh, I'm staying." She responded, looking at Malfoy. 'Couldn't she be more obvious?' I thought, rolling my eyes. 

We both went to our dorms and directly went to sleep. The next morning, Daphne woke me up like old days as I groaned. I opened my heavy eyes to meet Daphne already changed. Was I really that late?

"Come on! You're late! I can't wait for you. I have a test. I'll see you at lunch." She exclaimed, rushing out the door. 

I changed into my robes as fast as possible, brushed my teeth, applied some mascara, and finally headed to Potions. Thankfully it was on the same floor. 

"Sorry, I'm late, Professor." I apologized after I opened the door. Everyone turned their face to look at me, and I saw Malfoy's smirk from across the room. 

"2 points will have to be deducted from Slytherin. Next time try waking up on time." Slughorn said. 

"But sir-" I started before he interrupted me.

"Miss Bardot, take your seat. Hogwarts has to be fair. I can't allow students to come in late." He explained as I nodded and headed to my table to find Malfoy leaning on his chair.

"Proud of yourself? You cost us 2 points." Malfoy said from aside from me. I just glared at his approach before looking back down at our potion. 

I went to grab the Boomslang skin, but Malfoy held it before me. 

"Give it," I demanded. 

"Ask nicely." He hissed with his smirk still plastered on his face. I tried snatching it from his grip, but he backed away. He smirked even more, clearly amused by my attempt. 

"Give it. It's for your potion too. Use your brain for once." I said as I snatched the container from him. Unfortunately, his smirk was still pasted on his face as I continued to work. 

"Didn't you look at yourself in the mirror this morning?" He asked out of the blue. I looked at him with a confused glare. "I think you forgot something." He said, adjusting his tie, still staring at me. Shit, I forgot my tie. 

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