.:Chapter 1 - School's Out:.

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School was out for the day and Mac could not be more relieved at the notion. As nice as it felt going back to school, he had forgotten how draining it was on the mind. You’d think Boxing would be the more monotonous task to undergo, but life had a funny way of surprising you. On the other hand, as tiring as it was, at least he could look forward to a fun day of training with Doc and a nice talk with his newfound friends. Okay so, it might’ve only been two at the moment, but Li Mei and Jared made very pleasant company once Mac got back into school.New York's streets were bustling with the afternoon traffic. Everyone and their mothers were out and about enjoying this time. It was quieter than most hours, but of course, considering this was NYC, it was still expected to be full of life. Sweet smells of food wafted through the air and happy laughs and jaunts were thrown amongst the small trio that sauntered down the footpath, bags slung over shoulders and jackets zipped up tight as the afternoon breeze started to kick in. 

"I still can't believe you have to fight Bull on Friday," Li Mei said.

Mac laughed at the comment, "Well, what do you expect? WVBA has some pretty odd combos for fights"

"As odd as that one against you and that Walrus….?" Jared piped up, looking as delirious as ever.

"...Walrus? You mean King Hippo?"

"Potato, Po-tah-toe"

"Jared, lay off the Mary J, it's fucking you over" Mac said, laughing and shaking his head, as he and Li-Mei took the lead. Jared trailing close behind. Mac wasn't sure how he managed to score such friends like these two, after all Li-Mei was his stark opposite. She was full of life and Mac usually just….hung in the background. Even as a national champion he had hated being the center of attention. Jared…well, he was a massive bloody stoner. Jared never knew where he was or why he was there, but he'd just vibe and go with it anyways.

They had been loyal to Mac ever since he started going back to school. It felt nice having peers that were around his age, and weren't busy managing taxes, businesses or beating people senseless in the ring.  The trio soon arrived at a small Italian restaurant. It wasn’t flashy, or big. It's simple oak frame design around the windows and door stood out against the urban setting that New York was famous for. The window itself had the restaurant’s name written on its surface. Casa di Famiglia. It meant: Home of Family, which, to Mac anyways, was exactly what it was. 

As they pushed the door open, and the little bell above it dinged, the small crowd of people inside it clamored ‘Hello!’ and ‘Heya!’ in various forms. The crew behind the countertops and in the kitchen saw Mac and gave a hearty group “HELLO!” from where they stood. Mac gave a shy chuckle in response. Like I said, he hated being the center of attention. Luckily for Mac, the eldest man behind the counter, a man named Giovanni, had managed to hush them up and get them back on track. “Che cos'è questo!? Non ti pago per stare in piedi! Torna al lavoro!” He cried, flinging his hands up in the air in disapproval. The trio all laughed as the cooks and workers went back to their jobs. Mac slowly made his way to the front register, Giovanni gave a patient smile as he greeted the boy, “Ciao Mac! Che cosa succede? How have you been?” He asked. Mac smiled back, “Heya, G,” he replied, gesturing to Li Mei and Jared to find a table, “Nah, nothin’ much is going on, I’mma go hit the gym with a few of the guys soon” he continued.

“Ah, the boys, how are they?” 

“Oh yeah! They’re alright!”

Buono…and Doc?”

“As right as rain on a fall afternoon in the windy city”

Giovanni blinked, a little confused at the comment, but nonetheless laughed and nodded. Giovanni himself had known Doc for a long time, as, once upon a time, Giovanni was also a boxer in the WVBA. A champion under the alias, Pete Zapasta, though Mac argues with Aran that his name was Pizza Pasta. Whether or not this is true has yet to be confirmed. However, a horrible accident in the ring had caused him to eventually retire due to the mental trauma it gave him, and though he never specified what, Mac already knew the reason why. The death of Kid Quick.

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