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Mateo will be coming back tomorrow. The last day. She hasn't told Kenton yet.

Lavender coils a length of rope haphazardly. She's gotten a little better since she first arrived here. Kenton would agree, if he could talk. He's currently gagged with a couple of rags. Lavender needs him to shut up and stay put while she makes the last delivery.

She tosses the coiled rope into the box Mateo left, then turns to Kenton. He shrinks down when she does so, expecting her to yell at him or hit him or something. She huffs, then grabs him under his arms to drag him into the bathroom. Kenton kicks and screams, thinking she's going to do something terrible to him, but she just drops him on the tile and locks the door behind her.

Lavender checks her backpack. Thirteen envelopes prepared for each of the clients, just as they ordered. Fingerprints wiped, no trace evidence left. She nods to herself, then heads out the door. She grabs the bike from its place in the weeds, brushing off the hard work of a couple of spiders, and goes on her way.

It's all familiar this time. Almost mundane. The dimly lit drop points and sketchy neighborhoods are expected.

Then she arrives at Curtis's place. She sets foot on the porch and the door immediately swings open. That's one thing she won't miss when she's gone.

"Rhodes! There you are! Come on in!" He's literally welcoming her with open arms. Lavender shakes her head and lets him keep talking.

"You biked here? Wait, did I know that? Wow, you have got to be tired. I can't thank you enough. When's the next one? The next delivery? I'll have a tip ready for you when-"

She stops him right there. "I'm done. This was temporary."

"What? No, you can't go!" Curtis looks crestfallen. Lavender grunts and motions for him to take his package. He doesn't seem to notice.

"We didn't even get to know each other!"

"I don't want to know you."

Curtis laughs loudly, like he's trying to convince himself she just told a hilarious joke.

"Seriously though, you'll be back next week, right? I've got some Applebee's gift cards, so-"

She shoves the envelope into his hands and leaves.

"Wait, so does this mean Mateo will need a new assistant?" Curtis calls after her. She rolls her eyes. He can take it up with Mateo.

Lavender mounts the bike and rides back to the safehouse. At least she'll never have to talk to that fucker again. If she had to make a third delivery, she would've broken his jaw.

Eventually she pulls up to the safehouse. She drops the bike in the dust and enters through the side door. Immediately, she hears faint thumping noises from the other side of the house. Seems like Kenton's been waiting for her.

She unlocks the bathroom door and finds him right where she left him.

"Mmph!" Kenton lifts his head and jerks against his bonds. Lavender pulls the gag, leaving it hanging around his neck, and he spits out the damp rag in his mouth. She takes a step back and crosses her arms. He glares up at her.

"Where did you go?"

She thinks for a moment, but decides against answering him. There's nothing to say. She'll be gone again soon enough. 

MonthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora