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Later that nigth I was sleeping in bed with Rane when my phone rang so as quietly as I could I slipped out of bed and walked off to answer it.

"Hello" I say

"Raina I need your help" I heard

"whats wrong?" I asked as I slipped on some shoes 

"don't tell anyone but I need you to come to the old wellington warehouse and get me" she says

"Alright I'll be there shortly" I tell her

"thank you" she says then hung up.

I grabbed my purse and keys right as Rane walked out.

"Where you going?" he asked

"a patient has an emergnceny and needs my help. so I'm gonna go help them and be back when I can" I tell him as I walked up and kissed him before  walking out the door.

I headed towards the old wellington warehouse and got out before I headed inside where I seen Gemma in the worst state I've ever seen her.

I rushed to help her before I picked her up and rushed back to my car buckled her in then sped towards my clinic. I used the back entry so no one could see us.

I took her into a room and then headed back towards the door and locked it up before I went back and tended to Gemma.

She laid there and told me what had happened.

"are you gonna tell JT?" I asked

"I don't want to" she says

"Sweetie this is something he needs to know" I tell her

"I know but I just don't want things to get worse" she says

"Your son thinks I'm a nark and with this happening to you it shows that Ethan is trying to run the sons our of charming by buying his way in and abusing and threating anyone that stands in his way. this message him him as well as his giuys raping and abusing you isn't something that needs to be ignored" I tell her

"I don't wanna be alone" she says

"I will be right there with you. you wont be alone I promise" I tell her as I finished tending to all her cuts, and injuries before I asked if I could run a rape kit just incase they was diseased.

Once all that was taken care off I helped her out of the clinic and back into my car before I took her home.

"I'm right here with you" I tell her as she hands me her keys and I unlock the door.

"call JT and tell him to get home" she says as I lay her in bed.

"I will you take it easy" I tell her

 once I have her settled I call up JT and tell him just what Gemma wanted me to. I told him it was very important and rather urgent that he gets home.

After hanging up with him I made sure that anything Gemma needed was taken care of.

When I heard Harleys I knew it was more than JT coming.

"you ready for multipule people?" I asked

"No" she says

"I will lstepp out and talk to them. " Itell her before I walked out the bedroom door and stood there.

"GEMMA" JT called out

"your room" I replied

 the sounds of rushing feet could be heard.

"Where is she. is she alright?" they all bombarded me with questions.

"Look I need you all to listen to me ok" I say

they nodded their heads.

"what you will see and hear wont be pretty. and I ask that there isn't any hounding or anything of the sort. that only JT come into the room" I say

"Why only him thats my mother?" Jax asked

"She asked only for him" I replied 

Jax tried forcing his way in but JT stopped him and told him and the others to head downstairs.

Which they all did but Jax stood there ignoring him.

"NOW" JT says

Jax shook his head and walked of.

"what happened?" he asked

"I'll let her tell you" I replied before I opened the door and let him in.

when he seen the condition she was in he about freaked out. he rushed to her side and did his best to tend to her.

"what happened?" he asked

"Ethan and his men attacked and raped me" Gemma replied

"motherfucker" JT says

Gemma proceeded to tell JT all of what Ethan wanted her to tell JT and the sons.

"Dont worry I'll deal with him personally," JT told her before he kissed her softly and walked up to me.

"thank you" he says

"welcome" I replied

he walked out the door and I could hear him talking to the others before they all left.

"I'm sorry to call you so late at night" Gemma spoke up

"I told you if you ever needed me I'm here." I assured her as I walked over and gave her some pain meds to help relax her and let her try to sleep.

"thank you again for this" she says

"welcome" I replied before I stepped out and let her rest.

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