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We arrived at the clubhouse and I practically have to scurry to keep up with Quinn's long strides.

He walks in and goes right to JT.

I just got caught up with him when I seen JT look from me than his son and nod his head at Quinn.

"go to the church and wait" JT says

So Quinn and I both walked off and head into the church while we waited for JT to come in.

When he does he isn't alone. his son is right there with him.

"Jax close the door. Raina when you want please explain the whole ordeal that happened leading up to my son threating to kill you" JT says

Jax looks at me with a shocked expression before shaking his head.

"don't tell her not to fucking talk. you had no damn right say that shit to her when you knew nothing" Quinn says

"watch how you talk to me" Jax says coming to get in Quinn's face

"He's right Jackson. you have no right threating her life when you didn't know what happened between her and Ethan."JT says

Jax looked at JT and shook his head.

"She's a nark and trader," Jax says

"sit down and shut up. you don't know anything about what happened. you as well as some of the others had just gotten home. so don't make threats or accusations without knowing the facts" JT ordered

Jax scuffs before doing as he is told.

"Now Raina, if you will please explain what happened between you and Ethan than between you and my son?" JT asks

I took a sit by Quinn and looked at JT.

"it was some time afterQuinn and the others left to get you and the rest that was locked up when I left my clinic and had a run in with Ethan.  he introduced himself then asked how much I wanted for my clinic. I told him its not for sale and he tried again.  and I told him again I wasn't selling. which he didnt like cause he told me one way or another he's getting my clinic. I walked past him and left. when I got back one of my recpetionist told me that Ethan came in causing disturbance and other things to the point cops had to be called to escort him off. After I was told that Iwent abut the rest of my shift before Jax and the others came in when the clinic was closed. he asked me what my link was with Ethan and I tried telling him I wasn't in any way linked or associated with Ethan. that he wanted my colinc to make it something better. but Jax didnt believe me thinking I'm gonna turn on the sons. which I told him after everything I've don for the sons that him thinking that was bulshit. and he told me he's just making sure I'm not turning my back on the sons cause he'd hate to kill off a brother's ol'lady then left. which pissed me off to the point I didnt want to come here and see his face or deal with him. I stayed home which is the reason Quinn didnt stay long like he'd normally do had I been here. he came home and checked on me and I informed him what had occurred so he brought me here and here we are" I tell JT

He looked at his son and shook his head in disbelief.

"you think that is being a nark and her turning her back on us?" JT asked

"can never be too sure" Jax says

"sone where the hell is your head at. you know as well las the rest of us how many times she could have marked or had us everyone doing time with the amounts of shit she's seen and heard. but she's never once ratted us out or turned us in. and for you to go and hound her ass and make those accusions isn't what SAMCRO does to people who aids us and helps." JT says

"how do we know she's being honest?" Jax asked

"when we went in due to a nark our Lowen informed us of how the cops got their information and Raina's name wasn't mentioned it was someone who was wanting patched but couldn't stand the heat of what the prospect life is all about." JT says

"I don't trust her" Jax says

"Stop threating her life and get your head out of your ass. she's one of the most trust worthy people we've ever met."JT says

"What about Tara?" Jax asked

"she's a huge rat" JT says

"I don't believe it" Jax says

"cause your heads up in the fantasy land of Tara being the perfect person who can do no wrong" JT says

"she's my ol'lady" Jax says

"not if I have a say in the matter" JT says

"then keep Quinn from giving Raina his crow. if Tara cant be with me" Jax says


 "this is bullshit," Jax says as he gets up and storms out.

"I am sorry about my son threatening you. what you did was smart and I trust you as does everyone else here. ignore Jax he's got his head up the new St.Thomas's doctor's ass cause she was his high school love. and she's controlling his life" JT says

I nodded my head and thanked him before I walked out with Quinn and we headed home.

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