chapter nineteen

Începe de la început

"Well, your stupid whores aren't like Alexis, I'm not doing that without her permission," I shake my head.

"Then be horny then, not my problem," Niall shrugs.

"Just...get her in the mood, set the mood should I say—"

"I don't need advice," I cut Liam off.

"Seems like you do, cause whatever your doing sucks, what are you doing?"

"We just make out and I...try to show her what I want but she stops me," I say, gesturing but honestly - I'm glad she stopped me those two times because I wouldn't want to hurt her.

"That's what Maya and I do...She seems to want it,"

"Your dick is 10.2 inches let's not forget," Niall says.

"Harrys isn't much smaller," he says to Niall.

"How big is yours?"

"Nine and a half," I shrug like it's nothing but Niall widens his eyes.

"She doesn't want that?"

I shrug. "Clearly,"

Gemma and Zayn sits next to me, all of our eyes widen and we go silent. "We...were...just talking about dicks," Niall says slowly, Liam and I face palming ourselves.

"Ew," Gemma scrunched her nose up. Of course she had to sit here for god sakes. "Well, drop that conversation,"

"If it were about Zayn's, you'd be all over it—"

"Shut up, Harrys right there," Zayn grits, Gemma shakes her head.

"I'm not fucking happy with you," I point at Zayn, then looking at Gemma.

"Get over yourself," she says.

Alexis Pierce
I bite my lip and keep my head dropped, hearing Harry whining. I do feel guilty that I've said no to Harry twice, but I think I'm finally getting to the point where I want sex too, unprotected too.

"2 months?" Louis gapes, I keep my head down, licking the inside of my cheek, rubbing my arm. "You haven't fucked Harry, in two months?"

"I'm not proud of it," I murmur, fiddling with my shirt. He breathes out, wide eyes.


"Louis, stop," I whine now, shaking my head. "I know okay,"


"I don't know how to tell him I'm allergic,"

"Harry, I'm allergic to condoms," he says like I'm stupid.

"It's not that easy," I groan.

"You should tell him, the poor guy is literally just holding on," he gestures, we both look at Harry but I make it sneaky, he is was banging his head on the table. Liam and Niall were laughing and I felt bad because it's my fault he's getting laughed at.

"Look at him,"

"Fuck off, I can see," I snap. Gemma was with Zayn, somewhere in the halls, so she wasn't hearing any of this.

"Are you horny at all?"

"Um..." I bite my lip, but shake my head.

"Oh my god, just let him fuck you," he says. "Just let him use you to get himself off,"

"You know, last time I took advice from you is when I was played as a game," I snap, his eyes widen a little.

"Harry wouldn't do something like that," he shakes his head.

"I know, but I'm just saying," I huff. "He can come over whenever and I won't stop him this time, I'm surprised he's held on for this long,"

We look back over at him, he was talking to Niall and Liam, meeting eyes with me. I frown and bite my lip, he just looks at me. "I'm sorry," I mouth, he just bites his lip and shakes his head softly, Liam and Niall looking at me too.

My cheeks turn red and I fold my lips in a like; feeling guilty that I've left Harry hanging for a long time. I know he's the type to want sex all the time, but as I said I'm not so I haven't felt the need for sex.

"How big is his dick?"

I sigh. "Why?"

"How can you not want that?"

"Can you stop asking? I just haven't felt the need, nor have I been in the mood," I huff. "I get it, I feel bad for Harry for something I did, just stop please," I whine, over being told that.

"I just don't get it, I've never had sex and I'm horny, you have so how aren't you?"

"I don't really like it, okay?"

"Why? I get it's painful but surely it's not anymore,"

"It was, just...he literally puts his dick inside of me," I say, it's a weird thing to me.

"Yeah...? Do you feel pleasure?"

"Yes of course I do, but it's just weird to me, like...inside of me, Louis, it's weird,"

"I get it up the ass, yours isn't weird, imagine Harry in your ass,"

I physically shudder.

"Yeah well, that's what happens to me, or get my dick sucked which had already happened so, nothing new there," he shrugs. "Do you plan on sucking Harrys dick? Has he gone down on you yet?"

"Louis!" I whisper shout.

"Answer the questions," he says.

"I haven't sucked his dick no, yes he's gone down on me but my tight self couldn't handle three fingers," I put my head down which makes him laugh.

"Poor thing," he says. "Well, I know men get pleasure and get off easier when you suck their dicks," he whispers, like I'm gonna do it.

"It's been a month and a half, we've got all the time in the world which is why I don't really want to have sex all the time," I huff.

"You do you, just don't leave him hanging to long," he sighs.

"I wasn't really given the sex talk, I don't know how to do anything other then just lay there and let him do everything," I admit, because it's true, it's all I knew how to do.

"Exactly," he grins.

"Oh fuck off Louis," I roll my eyes.

"Alright, chill," he holds his hands up in surrender.

close contact again so i'm in islolation again, expect chapters to be popping out <3

also, i think i've had covid i just wasn't showing up positive on a home test because i was sick all last week and i didn't get a PCR because my mum wouldn't take me💀💀 so if you go to my school and u get covid - lol sorry😆

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