Mikasa POV

Me and Armin were walking to class together I looked at him and said "I told you it wasn't a good idea to sit by ourselves." He looks at me."I don't care as long as Y/n bought that crap it's fine."He says.I nod then we walk to into our class.


It was the end of the day.I didn't feel like riding the bus,So I decided to ask Connie if he would give me a ride.I had to find him first tho.I was looking around the school parking lot until I saw him.I ran up to him."Hey Connie!"I say while catching my breath."Hey Y/n."He says while looking at me."Is it okay if you give me a ride today?"I ask him.If he says no,it's no big deal I can still ride the bus."Yeah,you remember that I offered to drive you home since we started collage?"he says."I know but I didn't want to annoy you with it.Also why isn't Jean and Sasha with you?"I ask him."Sasha begged Jean to take her to a restaurant that just opened."He says while laughing a little."She probably brought Jean so he would pay for it"I say."She definitely did."Connie says.A few minutes later of talking me and Connie got in the car then started driving home.We pretty much talked about how stressful classes are the car ride.Nothing interesting.

Me and Connie were now walking to our apartments."Um Y/n.We dont hangout that much besides school,so sometime this week do you want to hangout?"Connie says to me.He wasn't lying we haven't hanged out with just us two in a long time."Okay just text me when you want to hangout." I say to him.After a few seconds of walking we reached Connie's door."Well bye Connie."I say while hugging him.I felt him hug me back."Bye Y/n."he says to me.We pulled away from the hug then I watch him walk inside.I then walked to my apartment door.

When I got inside I decided to clean a little before Eren gets here.After probably an hour of cleaning I looked around the apartment it looks really clean.I did accidentally spill some cleaning supplies on my clothes so I went into my room to change.I wanted something comfortable.

I wanted something comfortable

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It's nothing great.But still good enough for just having a guest come over.

Probably 20 minutes I hear a knock on the door.It's probably Eren.I walk over to the door and open the door.I see Eren with bags in his hands,it's most likely the supplies for the project."Hey Eren"I say to him."Hey Y/n."He says to me while walking towards the living room.He sits the bags on the coffee table in front of the couch."I got the stuff for the project,let's get started on it."He says while sitting down the couch."Okay but is it okay if I put on some music?"I ask him.I see him nod.I walk over to my Bluetooth speaker and hooked it up to my phone.I put on "Feel My Rhythm" by Red velvet on.I then walked over to him and sat down next to him.After explaining how we want to do our project we got started.

After an hour we still were working on it.I was looking at Eren he was focusing hard.Not going to lie his focus face is really hot.Is it bad to think my best friends boy friend is hot?He started to aggravated at something,he let a groan because of it.It was really hot.NO Y/N STAY FOCUS ON THE PROJECT!I say to myself in my head.I brush off the thought and started focusing on the project again.

Another hour later I needed help holding something.So Eren went and held my hands."Your hands are really soft Y/n."he whispers into my ear.Due to our position I felt him breathing on my neck and he's lips were right at my ear.I felt my cheeks get warm.I was blushing.NO WE MUST STAY FOCUS!I say in my head."Oh thank you."I say to him.He then let go of hands and pulled away from me since I was able to get a good grip on what I was grabbing.A couple minutes later were done with the project."Eren I can make us dinner if that's fine."I say to him."That's fine,but let me help you."He says to me.I nod at him we then walk into the kitchen and got the ingredients to cook with.

While we were cooking I look over at Eren.He pulled his sleeves up he was looking down while cutting vegetables.His was hair was in a messy bun with some strands hanging down in his face.He had his really hot focus face on.I couldn't help but stare at him.He looks like husband material right now.He looked up and turned to me."Are you staring at me?"He says.We were listening to music but then suddenly "speechless" by Beyoncé came on.Damn this my hoe song."No I wasn't"I say while flustered and blushing.He put down the knife and started walking over to me.I started walking back wards.Until I hit the counter.He put his hands on the cabinet behind me.I was between his arms.He got really close to my face.He smelled really good.He was really close to my lips like he was fixing to kiss me.But then he smirked and chuckled while pulling away to go back to cutting the vegetables.What the hell just happened?I could tell I blushing hard.Mikasa is lucky.If I was dating him I don't want to talk about the things I would do to him.WAIT WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT.I brush it off and started to cook again.

After we got done cooking we sat down and started eating."Do you know where Mikasa is?"I ask him."Probably sucking Armin's dick right now."He says while chuckling "Eren......."I say to him.He looks over at me.We stared at each other for a couple seconds.Eren leaned towards me face.He cups my right cheek with his hand.He gets even closer to me.He was fixing to kiss me.Our lips lightly brush against each other's.We suddenly heard the door open.We jump and pull away from each other fast.We then see Mikasa walk in."Hey Eren,hey Y/n"
Mikasa says."Mikasa we made you some food too,it's in the fridge."I say to her.She nods while walking over the fridge."Did you guys finish your project?"She asks while hearing up her food."Yeah and I was fixing to leave.Bye Y/n,bye Mikasa."Eren says while getting up and kissing Mikasa on the forehead.Then walking out the door.

Me and Mikasa ate together while talking.After eating she walks into our bedroom to take a shower.I then clean up our plates and the kitchen.Once I got done cleaning I went into our bedroom and layed on my bed.Then it hit me.I technically kissed Eren.But something is weird.I don't even regret it.I want more.I want to touch Eren.I want him to touch me too.I started thinking about Eren.How he would look naked,hair down,sweating,pounding into someone.I realized I was wet from thinking about him.I wanted to touch myself but I couldn't risk Mikasa waking in on me doing that.After few minutes I see Mikasa walk out the bathroom naked.It didn't bother me because I've seen Mikasa naked a lot.I then get up to take a shower.After my shower I did my skincare and hygiene.I walk out of the bathroom.I see Mikasa laying down on her phone,she has clothes on now.I walked over and put on underwear and a oversized hoodie."Goodnight Mikasa"I say to hear while laying down in my bed."Night Y/n."Mikasa says back.I turned on my side away from Mikasa.I see my cat jump on bed and come snuggle with me against my chest.I petted her for a little.I then closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Hiiii!Thats the end of chapter five.Again sorry for not uploading that past few days.Have a great day/night!

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