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Lan Wangji:

Couple days before (Y/N)'s birthday:

Sizhui and Jingyi were running around arms full of items. Decorating the place with strings of (favorite/color) and (second favorite color) with (favorite flower). Giving the place a bit of color.

Yea the uncle wasn't for it at frist but he allow it since they barely do birthdays but this is Wanji's kid we talking about.

Wanji himself was stuck on what to get you since you were still quite young. We finna time skip to 11 months to that you will be 1 year old. You haven't walk much and crawled more around to get places causing the two young teens to be in fear if you fell into something or more chilling your death simply for being a baby.

He decided on a song on your special day. He simply didn't know and you seem to like when he played the gezhung which he sometime use to lure you to sleep.

On the day of your birthday:

Bright sunny morning. Food was being made. So the whole place was filled of scents of good food. You yourself was stuck in a room where windows were alerted so you don't fall out by accident but you still could see if you stood with the support of the window.

Cuase you didn't see Wanji you would either coo or babble to get his attention even if he wasn't around. Every now and then the teens would check up on you to see if you're fine which you weren't.

You stood up wobbling onto your feet and started to walk, determine to find a way to get out and find him. Wobbling toward the door trip over the board. Being teary you get up and start slowly walking to see if you can get the sound of Wanji's voice. which you did find. He turns around as a small smile appear on his face picking you up as party poppers were fired

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N) AND MANY TO COME" they all cheered. A big smile on your face.

Lan Xichen:

Xichen knew what he was doing. The man Himself is a kid in a manly body you know how it is.
He did everything by hand and had help to put it up. Keeping in mind your two favorite colors and favorite flower.

You weren't a fussy baby and seem to be outside distracted by the wild life. But you did have a cloth rope around you so you didn't wander too far. The disciples took turns checking up on you. You were fine.

Once Xichen had everything up, he did a little dance ready to find his little sunshine. Tho you were distracted by the bunnies you found not realizing that you were pick up by your dad. He boop your nose which you giggle

"Happy Birthday my little Sunshine and many more to come" *he smiles at you which you respond putting your hands on his face as babbles

Man's heart was gonna explode with happiness that you were giving him.

Mo Dao Shi Zu parents scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now